Oncology Drug Side effects

  1. Colon
  2. 5-FU
    • Hand-foot syndrome
    • Diarrhea
    • Mucositis
    • Bolus- immunosuppressive
    • Infusion- Hand-Foot
  3. Capecitabine
    • Hand-Foot
    • mucositis
    • diarrhea
    • Less immunosuppresive
  4. Oxaliplatin
    • Peripheral neuropathy
    • Least: immunosuppresive, renal toxicity, and emetogenic
  5. Irinotecan
    • myelosuppression: dose-limiting
    • diarrhea: dose-limiting
    • alopecia
    • rash, fever, malaise, mucositis
  6. Bevacizumab
    • Blackbox Warning: GI perforation, wound healing, hemorrhage
    • Rare proteinuria, CHF
    • Epistaxis
    • Infusion reactions, diarrhea
  7. Cetuximab
    • acneiform rash
    • diarrhea
    • rare infusion reaction
  8. Pantumumab
    • skin rash
    • hypomagnesiemia
    • paronychia
    • fatigue
    • abdominal pain
    • nausea
    • diarrhea
    • Blackbox Warning: Derm. & Infusion reaction
  9. Lung
  10. Carboplatin
    • Less N/V- required 5HT3
    • less renal dysfunction
    • myelosuppression
  11. Cisplatin
    • more renal toxicity
    • less myelosupressive
    • Most emetogenic
  12. Docetaxel & Paclitaxel
    • Edema
    • Alopecia
    • Mucositis
    • Neutropenia/febrile neutropenia
    • Peripheral neuropathy
    • arthralgia/myalgia
    • hypersensitivity
    • skin/nail toxicity
    • fatigue
    • mouth sores
  13. Vinca alkaloids
    • Alopecia
    • N/V
    • Peripheral neuropathy
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhea
  14. Vincristine
    • Neurotoxicity
    • Constipation
    • Orthostatic hypotension
  15. Vinblastine, Vinorelbine
    • myelosuppression
    • rare muscle aches w. vinblastine
  16. Irinotecan
    • diarrhea- acute and delayed
    • alopecia
    • N/V
    • myelosuppression
    • hepatic dysfunction
  17. Etoposide
    • myelosuppression
    • alopecia
    • N/V/D: worse with PO
    • asthenia/malaise
    • secondary leukemias, SJS, toxic epidermal necrolysis
    • orthostatic hypotension
  18. Premetrexed
    • rash
    • myelosuppression, fever/infection, stomatitis/pharyngitis
  19. Erlotinib
    • diarrhea
    • acneiform
    • rash- correlate with response
  20. Prostate
  21. Hormonal Therapy- Class Effects
    • Hot flashes
    • decreased libido
    • imptence
    • increased abdominal fat
    • gynecomastia
    • emotional lability
    • weight gain
    • fluid retention
    • unfavorable lipid profile changes
  22. Dearelix
    • injection site reaction, hormonal effects
    • increases AST/ALT
  23. Anti-Androgens: Bicalutamide, Flutamide, Nilutamide
    • soft stools
    • hormonal effects
  24. Nilutamide- also
    • N/V
    • disulfram-like reaction
    • hypertension
  25. Ketoconazole
    GI upset- take with food
  26. Cabazitaxel
    • neutropenia
    • febrile neutropenia
    • diarrhea
    • hematologic toxicities
  27. Estramustine
    • edema
    • gynocomastia
    • leukopenia
  28. Mitoxantrone
    • myelosuppression
    • mild N/V
    • mucositis
    • alopecia
  29. Breast
  30. Goserlin & Leuprolide
    • Hot flashes
    • Bone loss*
    • injection site reaction
  31. Fulvestrant
    • Hot flashes*
    • injection site pain
  32. Tamoxifen & AI's
    • Hot flashes*
    • vaginal symptoms*
    • fatigue
    • weight gain
    • reduced libido
    • thromboembolism
  33. Tamoxifen only
    • endometrial cancer
    • cataracts
  34. AI's only
    • bone loss/osteoporosis
    • arthralgias/myalgias
    • CVD/cardio risks (small)
  35. Docetaxel
    • MORE
    • myelosuppression, edema, skin/nail toxicities
  36. Paclitaxel
    • MORE
    • hypersensitivity reactions
    • arthralgia/myalgia
    • neuropathy
  37. Doxorubicin
    • Cardiotoxicity (CHF)
    • myelosuppression
    • N/V
    • alopecia
    • mouth sores
    • red urine/tears
    • vesicant
    • leukemia
  38. Cyclophosphamide
    • myelosuppression
    • nausea
    • alopecia
    • sterility/amenorrhea
    • hemorrahagic cystitis- rare
  39. Epothilone
    • myelosuppression
    • neuropathy
    • hypersensitivity reactions
    • diarrhea
    • myalagias
    • alopecia
  40. trastuzumab
    • allergic infusion reactions- fever/chills
    • rare- cardiotoxicity (CHF)
  41. Lapatinib
    • diarrhea/ GI upset
    • acne-like rash
    • hand and foot syndrome/inflamation
    • rare: cardiotoxicity, myelosuppression
Card Set
Oncology Drug Side effects
Side Effects of Oncology Drugs