Narrative Writing

  1. What does comely mean?
    Comely means attractive
  2. What does fickle mean?
    Fickle means indecisive
  3. What does visage mean?
    Visange means appearance, or face.
  4. What does grotesque mean?
    Grotesque means bizzare.
  5. What does odious mean?
    Odious means strong dislike.
  6. What does vituperative mean?
    Vituperative means abusive, or mean.
  7. What does rue mean?
    Rue means regret.
  8. What does copious mean?
    Copious means a lot.
  9. What does demeanor mean?
    Demeanor means behavior, or a way a person behaves.
  10. What does woebegone mean?
    Woebegone means miserable.
  11. What does regale mean?
    Regale means to entertain.
  12. What is narrative writing?
    Narrative writing is telling a story.
  13. What is a common noun? What is a proper noun?
    • A common noun is a general person, (not name of person) place, or thing.
    • A proper noun is a noun that is a title or a name of a person, place, or thing.
  14. What is the magic three?
    The magic three are three verbs in a sequence with description.

    (Example: Isabella signed the letter, sealed the flap, and delivered it to the post office.)
  15. What is a simile?
    A simile is an sentence that compares two things seperated with like, or is ___ as.

    • (Example: Her fur is as soft as a pillow.
    • The flashlight was bright like the sun. )
  16. What is a metaphor?
    A metaphor is a statement that describes something as it not is physically.

    Her smile was the sun
  17. What is onomatopoeia?
    • Sound words
    • (Example: Crash, Boom, Bang)
  18. What is a verb?
    A verb is something you can do, or an action.

    (Example: Crunch, Walk, Run, Jump. Is is a verb, too.)
  19. What are the three different types of writing?
    Narrative writing, Expository writing, and Descriptive writing.
  20. What are different types of narrative writing?
    Personal narrative, and fiction.
  21. What are different types of expository writing?
    Personal essay, essay, persuasive essay, reasearch paper.
  22. What is a kind of descriptive writing?
  23. What are three good leads?
    Startinf with action, dialoge, and inner-thinking.
  24. What do strong endings include?
    Strong endings include important:

    • action
    • dialoge
    • image
    • symbol

    Strong endings also include a:

    Whole story remeinder
  25. What are some personal narrative crafts?
    Dialoge, Details, Inner-thinking, Action, onomatopoeia, simile/metaphor, alliteration, exaggeration, etc.
  26. What is alliteration?
    • Using the same consanant in the begginning of a word repeatedly in a sentence.
    • (Example: The ragged rascal ran.)
  27. What questions should you ask yourself when you are test-driving a piece of writing?
    • 1.) Does this piece have a moment of strong emotion or tension?
    • 2.) Why is this moment important?
    • 3.) What is the lesson I learned?
    • 4.)I want my reader to feel...
    • 5.)Am I ready to take this risk?
  28. What does IADD stand for?
    • Inner-thinking
    • Action
    • Dialoge
    • Details
  29. What is a theme statement?
    The central idea of a piece of writing.
  30. What are the steps for generating strategy #1?
    • 1.) List things important to you
    • 2.) Choose one of the things and make a timeline of "times when"
    • 3.) Choose a "times when"
    • 4.) Write your seed entry!
  31. What are the steps for generating strategy #2?
    • 1.) Make lists of times when you felt a certain emotion
    • 2.) Choose one of your ideas and write a seed entry
  32. What are the steps for generating strategy #3?
    • 1.) Make a chart of firsts, lasts, and the change that happened
    • 2.) Pick a moment and write a seed entry
  33. what is a fragment?
    A sentence without a verb.

    Every sentence needs a verb. Some sentences accept fragments, depending on the concept.
Card Set
Narrative Writing
Language Arts Test