EVNT2002 Lecture One

  1. Defining the Arts: Spectator Arts
    • theatre
    • opera
    • musicals
    • ballet & dance
    • choral and orchestral music
    • concerts
    • pantomime
    • galleries
    • craft displays
    • museums
    • cinema/films
  2. Defining the Arts: Participation Arts
    • drama
    • dancing
    • painting classes
    • photography classes
    • making videos
    • working with textiles
    • pottery classes
    • choir groups
    • orchestral music
    • solo instruments classes/playing
  3. Why public funding of the Arts is justified?
    Because benefits are brought to the community
  4. What benefits can be brought to the community?
    • education
    • information provision
    • access to ideas from other cultures and societies
    • challenges peoples thinking and ideas - therefore used to move societies forward in their thinking and understanding of issues
    • powerful channel for social protest and initiator for social change
    • arts institutions act as social function
    • art therapy
    • provide means of fulfilling universal desire to create
  5. Positives of Arts Funding:
    • Allows larger amount of people to access the Arts products and Arts-based leisure
    • e.g.: libraries and book lending, art galleries and museums

    • Broadcasting is important for its leisure, educational, information and national cultural-identity roles
    • e.g.: ABC or SBS
  6. A negative of arts funding
    high cost in supporting the arts
  7. Special events: an event is considered special when...
    • there is the provision of enough activities for the event to take on a 'mass appeal'
    • it is offered for a limited time
    • it is positioned as 'outside of the ordinary'
  8. What is the role of special events in the arts?
    audience development: attracting both greater numbers of people to the Arts as well as new audiences
  9. What are some examples of special events associated with the arts
    • opening night events for new exhibitions
    • festivals
    • demonstrations and workshops
    • holiday, seasonal, and commemorative events
    • special programs for targeted groups
    • lectures and films
    • theatre and concerts
    • temporary 'discovery' rooms
    • behind the scenes tours
    • virtual experiences
    • audio-visual programs
    • audio tours
    • tour groups
    • holiday programs
    • movie marathons
    • film festivals
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EVNT2002 Lecture One