Biochem lecture 33

  1. Ketogenic vs Glucogenic amino acids
    • Ketogenic- Leu and Lys are degraded to Acetyl-CoA
    • Glucogenic- Ile, Phe, Tyr, and Trp
    • Glucogenic- all others
  2. 7 products of amino acid catabolism
    • Oxaloacetate
    • a-ketoglutarate
    • pyruvate
    • fumarate
    • succinyl CoA
    • Acetyl CoA
    • Acetoacetate
  3. One carbon metabolism contain the following 3
    THF, AdoMet, and biotin
  4. Tetrahydrofolate is the reduced form of ______.
    Folic acid
  5. N5 is the attachment site of ______
    N10 is the attachment site of _____ and_______.
    • Methyl
    • formyl and formino-methylene
  6. SAM serves as a precursor for most ____ _____ reactions.
    methyl transfer
  7. Methyl group transfer from AdoMet to _______ acceptor is _______.
    • Methyl
    • irreversible
  8. _________ methyltransferase catalyzes the transfer for resynthesis of methionine. it is a ___ cofactor.
    • Homocysteine
    • THF
  9. Serines 2 pathways are
    • 3-phosphoglycerate
    • glycine
  10. Deficient phenylalanine dehydroxylase leads to the genetic disease ________. If caught early the addition of _______ and restriction of phenylalanine from diet can minimize retardation.
    • Phenylketonuria
    • Tyrosine.
  11. characteristics of albinism
    • Defective process- melanin synthesis from tyrosine
    • defective enzyme- tyrosinase
    • Symptoms- lack of pigmentation, white hair, pink skin
  12. Alkaptoneuria
    • Defective process- tyrosine degradation
    • D. enzyme- homogentisate dioxygenase
    • Symptoms- dark pigment in urine, later develop arthritis
  13. Phenylketonuria
    • D. Process- conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine
    • D. enzyme- phenylalanine hydroxylase
    • Symtoms- neonatal vomiting, retardation.
  14. Niacin is a precursor for ____ or ____
    NAD and NADP
  15. Tryptophan is a precursor for ____ and _____
    Niacin and serotonin
  16. Tyrosine is a precursor for ___ ____ and _____
    • Thyroid hormone
    • Catecholamine
    • Melanin
  17. Glycine is precursor for
    • creatine
    • glutathione
    • heme
  18. Glutamine is a precursor for
  19. Transamination of a-keto acids requires _____ _____
    Pyridoxal phosphate
  20. amidation is an __________ process.
  21. synthesis from other amino acids is _________.
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Biochem lecture 33
Biochem 33 ex3