Human Anatomy

  1. Tensor Fascia Latae
    • Action: Flexion of Femur
    • Origin: Ilium Crest
    • Insertion: Iliotibial Tract
  2. Rectus Femoris
    • Action: Flexion of Thigh
    • Origin: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
    • Insertion: Patella
  3. Vastus Lateralis
    • Action: Extension of Leg
    • Origin: Femur
    • Insertion: Patella
  4. Vastus Medialis
    Action: Extension of Leg
  5. Sartorius
    • Action: Flexion of Thigh
    • Origin: Ilium
    • Insertion: Tibia
  6. Gracilis
    Action: Flexion of Thigh
  7. Adductor Longus
    Action: Adduction of Femur
  8. Gluteus Maximus
    • Action: Extension of Thigh
    • Origin: Ilium, Saxrum, Coccyx
    • Insertion: Iliotibial tract, femur
  9. Gluteus Medius
    Action: Adduction of Thigh
  10. Adductor Magnus
    Action: Adduction of Thigh
  11. Semimembranosus
    • Action: Flexion of Leg
    • Origin: Ischium Tuberosity
    • Insertion: Tibia
  12. Semitendinosus
    • Action: Flecion of Leg
    • Origin: Ischium Tuberosity
    • Insertion: Tibia
  13. Biceps Femoris
    • Action: Flexion of Leg
    • Origin: Ischium Tuberosity, Femur
    • Insertion: Fibula
Card Set
Human Anatomy
Hip and Thigh