Greek Myth: Hepaestus, Ares, Hermes


    - origin, home town
    - what are the 2 versions of his birth
    - what type of god (temperment), what does he stand for?
    - god of ...
    - patron of....
    - promoter of ....
    - physical characteristics
    - husband of ______
    - lusted after _____, who was born

    • - non-Greek Origin. From the island of Lemnos (active volcano - he is also associated with volcanoes, and with the cyclopes who work at the forge in them. Also where he lands when he is cast from heaven, other version falls into sea)
    • - 1. Son of Zeus and Hera, son of just Hera
    • - serious, stands for art, love
    • - god of fire and forge (useful forge - creates important things)
    • - patron of metalworkers, smiths
    • - promoter of civilization and city life
    • - physical deformity, lack of beauty, cripple - 1 version, Hera casts him from heaven b/c of his lameness
    • - wife is Aphrodite (contrast)
    • - Lusted after Athena (sister) --> chases her, ejaculates on to her leg, she wipes off and throws on ground --> Erichthonius (1st king of Athens) is born
  2. What do Hephaestus, Ares, and Apollo have in common (what do they represent)
    Interests of Males, male occupations
  3. What objects does Hephaestus Create?
    • - Pandora (out of clay)
    • - manacles binding Promethius
    • - ball of unbreakable thread (Ariadne)
  4. Hephaestus - cycle of being cast from olympus
    • 1. both parents detest --> thrown down by each of them (2 variants)
    • 2. one version, land on lemnos, other version, land in the sea --> rescued by Thetis and the Nereids
    • 3. "Return to Olympus" - has to be drunkenly guided back by a satyr
  5. What does Volcanus mean?
    Destructive Fire
  6. ARES / MARS

    - incarnation of
    - god of
    - originates in _____
    - common in myth? worshipped a lot?
    - wife?
    - who did he have an affair with? What children were produced?
    - in what book / which story is the myth found?
    • - incarnation of bloodlust: merciless, fearless
    • - god of war and battle
    • - originates in Thrace
    • - few myths, worshipped little
    • - no wife
    • - affair with Aphrodite; children: Eros (love- Cupid), Harmonia (harmony), Deimos (fear), Phobos (panic)
    • - Homer, Oddyssey, book 8: Ares, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus (Heph. catches them in the act)
  7. How important in Roman Culture
    Very important

    - root of name / meaning
    - what is his function
    - protector of (5)
    - Psychompompos
    - Argeiphontes

    • - herma: stone heap marker
    • - herald and messenger of the gods
    • - protector of
    • 1. travelers
    • 2. those living in wilderness (Arcadia)
    • 3. shepherds and flocks
    • 4. merchants and thieves
    • 5. heralds
    • - Psychompompos - "soul guide" - guide souls to underworld.
    • - Argeiphontes - "slayer if Argus" - one of his most famous deeds was to slay a hundred-eyed monster named Argus, whom Hera sent to watch over Io (one of Zeus' mistresses).
  9. symbols of Hermes (3)
    • 1. pedastus (traveller's hat)
    • 2. caduceus (herald's wand)
    • 3. winged sandals
  10. Hermes is similar to which god?
    Apollo - brothers, Hermes steals his cattle as a baby, but then gives him the lyre.
  11. Homeric Hymn to Hermes
    • - Maia - his mom
    • - Pieria, Alpheus River
    • - Cyllenian Hermes (from mount cyllene, in Arcadia)
  12. Offspring of hermes
    Pan (goat)"the feeder" (represents his concern for pastures and fertility

    Hermaphroditus (Salmacis)
  13. Affairs of Hermes (2)
    Syrinx - nymph he pursued, she turns into a reed, he slashes the reeds looking for her --> fashions the pan pipes

    Echo - attendent of Hera that Hermes loved. She would keep Hera occupied while Zeus is cheating. Hera gets mad and decrees that she cant speak (start her own sentence) - only mimic what other people say --> "Echo"
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Greek Myth: Hepaestus, Ares, Hermes
Myths of The Olympians Part 2