Poultry includes:
Domestic fowl, turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, quail, pigeons, ratites, pheasants, and partridges
2 sides of UK poultry Industry
- Egg (commercial layers) Production
- Meat (broiler chicken) production
Commercial (egg) layers selection characteristics
- Good liveability & resistance to disease
- good feathering (chickens have high temps, need feathers to keep temp. w/o external source)
- extended egg laying season
- docile temperament & absence of brookiness
- slow growth rate & light mature weight
- efficient food conversion (min. nutrition for maintenance vs. production)
- *the parent stock/must also produce fertile eggs which hatch successfully and give rise to healthy and vigorous chicks
Broiler chicken characteristics
- Good liveability and resistance to disease
- good feathering
- rapid growth rate
- good leg health
- good food conversion ratio
good conformation - correct flesh colouring
- *broiler breeders: fertile egg production- healthy and vigourous chicks
poultry breeding programmes
Nucleus/elite stock (A,B,C,D)-->Grandparent stock (A,B,C,D)-->Breeder/parent stock (AB, CD)--> Broiler or commercial layer (ABCD)
commercial layer breeding/selection program
- layer partent stock
- ferile egg production (85% hatch)
- Day old chicks are sexed and graded at hatchery (only DO females cont. males are culled)
- brooding and eraring period (DO-18 wks) cage or floor
- production unit (cages, barn, or free range) production of >300 unfertilized eggs (18-72 weeks)
Broiler breeder program
- broiler breeder laying farms
- fertile egg production
- hatchery
- DO chicks
- grower farms 'broilers'
- <45 days (full grown)
- culled and processed
- Meat production
- Breeders (Toms/stags and hens)
- DO turkets are called poults
- 'commercials'- for meat
- not as highly selected as broilers (fast growth rate; good food conversion ration; correct flech colouring, good conformation, resistance to dz)
Turkey Breeders
- fertile egg production
- hatchery
- DO "poults"
- grower farms
- 14-22 weeks
- culled and processed
Production poultry (other than turkey and chicken)
duck, quail, geese, game birds, ostrich
Poultry Vets (where they fit)
- Poultry meat inspection
- non-specific advisors (nutrition, husbandry, welfare)
- veterinary diagnosis
- General Practice
Poultry Vets (what they do)
- Key to bird health (effective bio-security, all in all out system)
- Vaccination programmes (depending on type of poultry, bird age)
- monitor bird health and productivity (routine swabbing and blood samples, PM's, Tx on a per flock basis)
Industry Poultry related work
- Meat inspectors (check and certifying meat, spot checks on farms, animal welfare in slaughterhouses, meat transportation and disposal)
- non-specific advisors (nutrition, husbandry/ADAS, Welfare
- Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories
Poultry Vets in Practice
- Small-scale "dabblers"
- Independent small scale production (egg sales at farm gate, bird sales/seasonal organic)
- Rare breed Entusiasts (small scale, fertile egg production, showing)
- birds tx on ind. basis
- Chickens as pets (small scale/traditional systems, more popular, seeking advice)
Poultry Welfare concerns
- Battery cages (ban on conventional cages by 2012)
- Alternatives??
- Leg Health
- Stocking Density (SDS, Ascites)
- Specific to broiler breeders: feed restriciton programs
Broiler Breeder pathway
- Breeder Farms: fertile egg production
- transport of eggs
- Hatchery: Artificial incubation (21 days)
- Day Old (DO) chicks transported
- "grower" or rearing farms
- *similar integrated structure is found in production of DO's for all types of poultry, but each industry is controlled by different companies*
Breeders/Parent stock/production of fertile eggs
- Broiler breeder, turkey breeder, commercial layer parent stock
- floor based systems are most common
- cockerels and hens (>1:10 ratio)
- AI for turkeys
- Strategies to maintain fertility: lighting and feed, spiking of males, feed restriction
Eventes from egg to chick (egg collection/selection)
- Automatec nest box and collection systems
- nest boxes- management to limit egg bacterial load
- eggs collected regularly
- only "clean" eggs stored in cool room
- transported to hatchery
Events from egg to chick (the hatchery)
- the focal point or hub
- separate hatcheries for broiler and layer industries
- risk of contamination is high
- importance of health status of breeding flocks
- ID and separation of high and low risk eggs
- (all farms are kept seperate, no cross contamination)
- Eggs arriving at the hatchery are sanitised and weighed then stored at below physiological zero (20-21C <7days)- stops embryo growth
- Eggs pre-warmed and fumigated prior to incubation
Plan of a hathery
- hatchery work flow: separation of clean and dirty areas
- setters
- hatching rooms
- chick processing, holding and loading
- *one way flow!!!*
Events from egg to chick (hatchery days 0-18 incubation)
- eggs placed in single stage or multistage setters
- Temperature 37-78 C- critical
- humidity!: monitored by egg weight loss (optimum 10-12%)
- adequate ventilation for specific stage of development (varies): levels of O2 and CO2
- automated egg turning
- Eggs candled to detect viable embryos @ ~6 days incubation
- removal of infertiles or early embryonic deaths: bangers (if bacterial infection- a ring will show up. may explode!!)
Events from egg to chick (hatchery day 18-21)
- Day 18: eggs transferred to hatching trays
- eggs put in hatching rooms
- day 20-21: chicks "pip" then hatch
- (turkeys hatch around 28 days)
- break the air cell in egg
- possibility they might not get out and may die
- *hatching is not synchronized- early hatched chicks in hatching rooms may become dehydrated from heat*
Events from egg to chick (hatchery- after hatched)
- DO chicks are checked for quality, sexed (feather or vent) and vaccinated
- poor quality chicks are culled
- (for laying stock- males will be culled)
Sexing DO chicks
- Female chicks only required in commercial egg industry
- males and females in broiler and turkey meat industries
- feather sexing: males- all 1y and 2y feathers same length or 2y longer. Females- 1y feathers are longer than 2y
- vent sexing
- vaccination programmes begin at DO:
- depends on type of bird, geographical location
- major dz include: Mareks, IB, NCD, IBD, ET
Selection criteria for Broiler industry
- rapid growth rate
- good food conversion ration
- good skeletal development
- good conformation
- correct flesh coloring
- good liveability
- resistance to dz
Broiler breeders
- they are feed restricted to promote fertility
- control body weight gain
- **welfare issue**
Broiler breeder welfare concerns
- food restriction or "skip a day"
- frustration
- stereotypic behavior
- pecking
- other strategies: bulking up feed
- BUT!: improved immunity, less skeletal problems, reduced mortality (keeps them alive!)
Grow out period for broiler ckn
- Chicks placed at DO
- brooding period
- growing period
- target weight(2.2Kg) <43 days
- FCR 1.8
Broiler industry (breif)
- low cost, low profit margin
- >740mil broilers in the UK per year, 8.9bil in USA
- all in, all out crops on 36-42 day cycle
- high stocking densities (15-18 birds/m2)
- Large groups (20-50,000 birds)
- controlled environments
- light cycles to promote growth (~23hr daylight)
- emphasis on uniformity
- only 5% of birds are farmed according to higher welfare standards
Profitable broiler production: key areas
- Birds: genetic potential of stock, chick quality
- Environment: correctly adjusted temperature (brooding vs. rearing), humidity, ventilation, lighting, stocking density, litter quality
- Diet: nutritional input-phase feeding
- health/welfare: stable health programme, biosecurity
Chick quality dependent on...
- parent stock management
- good hatchery practive
- placement of only quality chicks
- efficient transport to grower farms
All-in All-out policy is useful as it allows...
- elimination of pathogens in the litter
- effective disinfection and fumigation
- uniform state of immunity w/in stock
- site management: minimum site disturbance, maintenance of equipment, limits size of site
Prior to chick arrival (checklist)
- house is wind proofed, insulated
- house is clean, disinfected and fumigated
- provision of litter of correct type and of sufficient depth
- pre-heat house 24 hr prior to chick arrival
- arrange feeders and drinkers w/in easy reach (provide supplementary ones to start w/)
- place chicls quietly
- first 7-10 days are crucial (may need to dip chicks beaks in h2o to incourage drinking/eating)
Environmental factors affecting broiler performance
- litter quality
- stocking density
- temp and humidity
- ventilation
- lighting
- provision of feed and water
litter quality (aim)
- protect the broilers from damage
- provide a dry warm covering to the concrete floor (>8-10cm thick)
- good litter:
- good absorptive properties
- biodegradable
- low dust levels (NO sawdust)
- comfortable (no wood chunks)
- obtained from biosecure source
- free of contaminants
- **poor litter leads to hock burn, foot pad dermatitis, breast necrosis and blisters, leads to downgrading at processing plant**
Factors affecting litter quality
- high humidity (wet)
- poor material or insufficient depth
- poor drinker design and adjustment (wet/muck)
- poor ventilation
- high salt/protein diet (feces)
- high stocking density
- poor quality fats (feces)
- enteritis due to dz
Stocking densities (overstocking) (broilers)
- overstocking:
- reduces: growth, liveability, litter quality and leg health
- EU broiler welfare directive:
- 33 kg/m3 (15 birds @ 2.2 KG)
- or 39kg/m3 if stricter welfare standards are met
- 42kg/m3 if exceptionally high welfare standards are met over prolonged period
Temperature and Relative humidity for rearing broiler chickens
- initial brooding temp: 32C
- temperature then reduced by 2-3C per week
- final broiler house temp: 21-23C (over ~ 28days)
- relative humidity should be high! (60-70%)
- prevents: build up of noxious gases
- provides: circulating oxygen
- helps maintain: optimum temp and RH.
Position and begaviour of chicks allow...
stockman to judge if the environment is uniform throughout the house (too hot, too cold, drafty, just right)
Lighting regimes: aims to get birds...
- up and feeding!!
- age 0-7d light is 23 hours daylight, 1 hour dark
- 7-3 days pre slaughter: 20L, 4D (may alternated 5 hours L, 1 hour D)
- preslaughter: 23L, 1D
- **need to have dark b/c they will panic if not used to dark (and power outage) will huddle together and sufficate- this "trains" them to understand dark
Drinker systems (broiler)
- water supply:
- essential- required 24 hours a day
- inadequate water supply results in reduced growth rate
- sudden increase or decrease in consuption can indicate stress, disease or poor feed
- water quality is important! (runing h2o is best, but watch for leaks/freezing)
Feeder systems (broilers)
- Chain feeders or pan feeders
- birds fed ad libitum
- paper trays for first
- 2 permanent types (see above)
- daily height adjustment
- feeding space very important (2.3cm/bird)
Diet/nutritional requirements of Broilers
- consideration:
- age of bird/ phase feeding form
- age and live-weight bird is to be when processed
- separate or mixed sex growing
- fat level in carcass to meet markets
- skin color (corn feed=yellow skin)
- try to follow broiler growth profile chart (monitor death rate)
Diet- incorrect nutrition problems
- fall off in growth rate
- excess abdominal fat
- excess carcass fat
- reduction in breast meat yield
- increased late mortality (ascites, flip-over)
flock uniformity (broilers)
separate sex growing results in better flock uniformity
Health and DZ (broilers)
- broilers marketed in juvenile state, therefore vaccination program simplified
- retain some protection through maternal antibodies
- (see notes for chart)
Health of Broilers (considerations)
- antibiotic growth promoters/digestion enhancement enzymes (antibiotic resistance, antibiotic growth promoters banned in UK 2006)
- coccidiosis: ubiquitous in broilers- very resistant, coccidostat drugs (in food/removed prior to market), good litter condition
- human food safety: salmonella (in birds intestinal tract), campylobactor (major zoonosis concern)
Health of broilers (diseases)
- major metabolic Dz of broilers:
- sudden death syndrome (SDS) or flip-over
- ascites- water belly
- leg heath:
- skeletal system cannot cope
- tibial dyschondroplasia
- femoral head necrosis
- foot pad dermatitis and hock burn
- (being investigated= pain? welfare? some supermarkets won't take damaged birds)
Catching at end of growing period (broilers) and slaughter...
- Catching must be done CALM!!, may change lighting
- slaughter:
- 1) wash
- 2) electrical stun
- 3) neck cutting
- quickly transported
- 4)hot water bath
- 5) feathers plucked
- 6) de-gut
- 7)chilled (10 hours)
- 8) packaging
Assessing broiler flock performance
(european efficiency factor [EEF])
- EEF= (liveability (%) x liveweight (kg))/age(days) x FCR) all multiplied by 100
- FCR= food conversion ratio
Stages involved in production of table eggs from commercial layers
- parent stack (25-70wks) 260 eggs
- fertile egg production ~ 89% hatchability
- DO chicks sexed and graded at hatchery
- (only females proceed)
- brooding and rearing period (DO-18wks) caged or floor
- transfer of pullets
- production unit: cages, barn or free range. production of >300 unfertilized eggs (18-72 weeks)
Brooding and rearing DO chicks (layers)
- single age, controlled environment sites
- floor rearing: suitable for all types of production
- rearing in cages: suitable only for layers destined for cage production
- *site hygiene, preparation and testing of equipment 24 hours before chicks arrive is critical to success*
Stocking density (commercial)
- Floor: partitions are often used during the early brooding period
- 40 chicks/m2 week 1
- 30 birds/m2 week 2
- 20 b/m2 week 3
- 6-8 b/m2 week 4+
- cages:
- 50 chicks/m2 week 1-4
- 20 b/m2 week 4+
brooding and rearing commercial layer chicks
- optimum temperature relative humidity and ventilation:
- gas brooders or whole house heating
- decrease over 5-6 weeks
- min= 21C
- relative humidity: 60-70%
- *cold birds eat more= more cost*
brooding and rearing commercial layer chicks: lighting programs
- aims of lighting programme during the rearing phase:
- control sexual maturity
- encourage growth
- achieve recommended weight at onset of lay
- basic rules:
- never increase the number of hours or its intensity during the rearing period!!!
- never decrease the numbers of hours of light or its intensity during the production period!!
- (easiest to apply in windoless house)
Rearing standard lighting programme (commercial)
- 1-2d= 22hours high intensity
- 3-4d= 20 hours lower intensity
- 5-6d= 18hours
- 6-8d= 16 hours lower intensity
- 9-10= 14 hours
- 11-12d= 12 hours
- 13-14d= 10 hours
- 15-119d (17 weeks)= 8 hours @ low intenisty
Stimulation of birds to come into lay (lighting program) (commercial)
- week 18= 9 hours
- week 19= 10 hours
- week 20= 11 horus
- week 21= 12 hours intensity increases
- week 22= 13 hours
- production period:
- week 24-74= 15 hours light (more light does not increase egg production)
- ovaduct and LEFT ovary stimulated by light increase
- vestigial during winter
Bird Health (commercial)
- programme depends on type of stock and age
- Diseases which affect layers:
- mareks dz, newcaslte disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal dz, ipidemic tremor, avian influenza
- vaccination begins at DO
- constant monitoring: cloacal swabs, serotyping
- mass medication by spraying or in drinking water
Beak trimming (commercial)
- 4-6 days- cauterisation using hot blade or infra-red laser
- necessary if chicks are destined to floor based production units
- to reduce feather picking and canabalism
Egg production
- An egg is produced approx every 24 hours (want @ lease 1 egg per day once mature and stimulated (will get about 320/365 days)
- only left ovary/oviduct. starts at OVA in ovary, goes into infundibulum gather albumen (3-4 hours), isthmus will gather shell at shell gland (~18 hours) and leave out the cloacha
- * if fertilized will be done at oviduct (sperm can be held in oviduct)
- **yolk is from the liver, as it rotates down oviduct it gathers albumen, and forms shell at shell gland (whole process is about 24 hours)
Commercial layers brown vs white
- Debate of wheather white or brown eggs are better?
- probably no difference- just genetics and pigment
Housing systems for commercial layers (layer cages/conventional or battery)
- 2003: no new installations (in europe), 550cm2/hen for 3 birds per cage, 50cm feed trough/hen
- height 45cm @ 65%, min 35cm
- slope <14%
- claw shortening device
- 2012:
- EU council directive 1999/74- ban all conventional cages by 2012
- pros:
- easily controlled environmental conditions
- reduced outbreaks of vices due to small colony sizes
- good disease control
- separation of eggs from feces
- no threat from predators
- cons:
- lack of space prevent expression of certain normal behaiors
- confinement leads to weak and broken bones
- damage to feathers and feet common
Furnished or enriched cages as alternative to conventional cage
- nest, litter perch space 15cm/bird
- min cage size 2000cm2
- 750cm2 area per bird
- feed trough space 12 cm per bird
- complies 5 freedoms
- expression of more "natural" behaviours
- still being developed- design varies 8-100 birds
- pros:
- environmental control is optimised
- good disease control
- no threat from predators
- if <10-15 birds production results are similar to that of conventional cages
- cons:
- more labour intensive (cleaning)
- eggs more expensive to produce
- eggs at risk- damage and higher bacterial load
- bead trimming when >15birds
- feather and foot damage
- confinement- weak bones and bone breakages
alternative types of house systems (commercial)
- deep litter/ perchery/aviary or barn eggs
- free range
Deep litter houses (commercial)
- 250cm2 littered floor/hen
- max 7 hens/m2
- 1 nest box/ 7 hens
- confined but free to move around- some daylight supplimented by artificial daylight
The perchery or aviary system (modification of the deep litter system)
- also sold as barn eggs
- 3D use of space (max 4 levels)
- max 25hens/m2
- 15cm perch space/bird
- communal nests- 1m2 nest space per 120 hens
- some eggs laid on floow= egg loss
- floo rises at night to stop hens from sleeping there
pros/cons of perchery/barn/deep litter systems
- pros:
- freedom to move around
- normal behaviors can be expressed
- nest boxes, perches and dust bathing
- protection against predators
- improved bone strength due to increased activity
- Cons:
- beak trimming necessary to prevent outbreak of vices
- hens can be injured (ckns don't fly well/fall)
- increased risk of extoparasites (red spider mite)
- waste management difficult
- higher feed consumption
- labour intensive
- eggs more expensive
- *if one bird bleeds- all birds will attack that bird*
Free range egg production
- max stocking density
- outside: 1,000 birds/ hectare
- inside: 7 birds/m2 (deep litter w/ feeders/drinkers, etc)
- sheds at night, wander during day
Free range (modified/semi-intensive)
- max stocking density
- outside: 1,000 birds/hectare
- inside: 25 hens/m2 (perchery)
- pop holes to leave hens outside (if closed=illegal)
- highly populated
Pros/cons of free range systems
- pros:
- freedome to move and express normal behaviors
- diet augmented by access to pastureland
- improved bone strangth
- inside house nest boxes, perches and dust bathing facilities
- cons:
- break trimming to prevent vices
- birds at risk to predation/disease
- climatic effects lower production
- egg qulity is less predictable
- labour intensive
- feed and land costs are higher
- eggs are more expensive to produce
- safety of eggs? (bac, etc)
Production targets for a commercial layers
- % liveability- chicken death
- % hen day production- how many lay egg per day based on how many in house
- % hen housed production- based on original number of birds
- Average egg weight- larger eggs come from oldest birds- have poorest quality
- Preak production (between 24-28 weeks)
- POL (point of lay)
Factors affecting layer performance and egg quality
- nutritional program (feed and water quality and availability)
- Temperature and ventilation (influences feed intake)
- Lighting program (basic rule)
- housing system (cage vs. alternative systems)
- bird health and welfare status
- *layers kept longer- so vax and health more closely monitored*
examples of stress//dz on egg production/quality
shelless, wrinkled, extra Ca2+ deposits, dip in production