Drainage of Blood from Orbit and Head

  1. Superior Opthalmic Vein
    • -lacrimal branch
    • -vortex vein
    • -central retinal vein
    • -inferior ophthalmic branch

    angular vein also gives off a branch that penetrates the orbital septa and gives off the inferior root of the superior ophthalmic vein

    Drainage of Blood from Orbit and Head
  2. Lacrimal Branch
    drains the lacrimal gland
  3. Vortex veins
    • drains the blood supply to the eye
    • - supply by the central retinal artery and ciliary arteries
    • - total 4: 2 superior, 2 inferior

    Important landmark for BIO - the vortex vein tell you when you have gone half way through the peripheral. this position = midperiphery
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Drainage of Blood from Orbit and Head
Drainage of Blood from Orbit and Head