
  1. What is the definition for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    A progressive form of Rheumatoid Arthritis that eventually fuses the spine into a rigid block of bone.
  2. What is the definition for Bursitis?
    Inflammation of the bursae of the tendons, with the subdeltoid bursa as the most common site.
  3. What is the definition for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?
    A malformation of the acetabulum.
  4. What is the definition for E. Coli?
    Species of ameba normally found in the upper intestinal tract.
  5. What is the definition for Osetoblasts?
    The bone-forming cells responsible for bone growth, ossification, and regeneration.
  6. What is the definition for Polydactyly?
    The presence of more than five digits.
  7. What is the definition for Sequestrum?
    A piece of dead, devascularized bone that separates from living bone during the process of necrosis.
  8. What is the definition for Ganglion?
    Cystic swelling that develops in connections with a tendon sheath, usually on the back of the wrist.
  9. What is the definition for Spina Bifida ?
    An incomplete closure of the vertebral canal, through which the choriomeninges may or may not protrude.
  10. What is the definition for Tuberculosis?
    A chronic inflammatory disease caused by mycrobacterium tuberculosis that affects the hips, knees and spine.
  11. What are the signs and symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    • Low back pain
    • Morning stiffness
    • Fever
    • Fatigue
    • Weight loss
    • Anemia
  12. What radiographic appearance does Ankylosing Spondylitis have?
    • They demonstrate bilateral and fuzziness of the S.I. joints and progress up the spine.
    • Later on, they show calcifications of the bones of the spine w/ossifications of the vertebral ligaments.
  13. What is the pathogenesis of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
    The articular cartilage is destroyed and fibrous adhesions develop, which leads to bone fusion and calcification of the annulus fibrosis of the intervertebral disks as well as the anterior and lateral spinal ligaments. The spine becomes rigid.
  14. What is the prognosis?
    It is treated by the use of NSAIDs, cyclooxgenase 9COX)-2 inhibitors, therapeutic exercise, and postural training.
  15. What changes in technical factors, if any, would be required for this particular exam?
    Increase, b/c you are adding more substance to x-ray through.
Card Set
Nancys Def #2 and Pathology Test