Kinesiology Test 3

  1. The shoulder is more dependent on muscular support than ligamentous support. True or false
  2. _____: only bone connection of the scapula to the axial skeleton.
  3. Most common site of humeral fracture:_____.
    Surgical Neck
  4. List three parts of the sternum:
    • manubrium
    • body
    • xiphoid
  5. ____ _____ _____: In a neutral gh postion, the LOP of the middle deltoid is directed mostly superiorly, so that it produces superior translation of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa; supraspinatus has a mechanical advantage by it's larger moment arm, so it produces abduction.
    Anatomical Force Couple
  6. Order in strongest to weakest: flexors, extensors, adductors, abductors, medial R, lateral R
    extensors, adductors, flexors, abductors, medial R, lateral R
  7. Optimal muscle length for producing maximum strenght is close to the ____ ____ ____ of the muscle.
    structural resting length
  8. During shoulder elevation, the scapula rotates (upward or downward) as the GH joint flexes or abducts.
  9. Ratio of GH to scapulothoracic joint movement is:
  10. In terms of Scapulohumeral Rhythm, the GH joint contribures ___ degrees of movement while the scapulothoracic joint contributes ___ degrees.
    • 120
    • 60
  11. When does the scapulothoracic joint begin to contribute to motion:
    ___ d of abduction
    ___ d of flexion
    • 30
    • 60
  12. AC joint elevates approx ___ d during elevation.
    SC joint elevates approx ___ d during elevation
    • 10 d
    • 40 d
  13. ____ ligament: as scapula is pulled away from clavicle, this ligamet is pulled tight causing the clavicle to be pulled in during upward rotation.
  14. SC joint has _ degrees of freedom:
    • 3
    • elevation/depression: Frontal a/p
    • protraction/ retraction: transverse s/i
    • upward and downward rotation: sagittal m/l
  15. _______ ligament: crosses no joint, forms foof over glenohumeral joint. protects underlying bursa and supraspinatus tendon.
    Coracoacromial ligament
  16. AC joint has _ degrees of freedom.
    3 but less than 10 degrees around any axis
  17. ____ joint: considered functional joint because there is no true body articulations.
    Scapulothoracic Joint (also has 3 degrees of freedom)
  18. ____ tilt: inferior angle of scapula moves away from thorax.
    ___ tilt: medial border of scapula moves away from thorax.
    • Upward tilt
    • lateral tilt
  19. ____: ring of fibrous tissue and fibrocartillag surrounding the edge of the glenoid fossa.
  20. Describe closed pack position of GH joint:
    Describe Open pack postion:
    Describe end feel:
    • 90 degrees shoulder abduction + 90 degrees of external rotation
    • 30 degrees of scaption
    • firm due to legamentous and passive muscle tightening
  21. How many carpal bones are there in the hand?

    Describe the carpals in the proximal row?

    Describe the carpals in the distal row?
    • 8
    • scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
    • trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
  22. Which carpal articulates with the thumb?
  23. The distal radius articulates with ___& ___ carpal bones.
    The distal ulna is separated by the _____.
    • scaphoid and lunate
    • triangular fibrocartilage complex TFCC
  24. Most common bone of carpal fracture?
  25. Close packed positon of the radiocarpal joint is?
    Open pack?
    • full extension
    • neutral
  26. All wrist motions are the result of the combined actions of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints? true or false
  27. CMC joint of the thumb is the articulation between ___ and ____./
    1st metacarpal and the trapezium
  28. Primary function of the CMC joints it to contribute to ___ of the palm?
  29. ____ ____: fibrocartillaginous band that crosses the palmer side of the MCP joint capsule and proximal phalanx of digits 2-5.
    volar plate
  30. _____ _____: anchors skin to stabilize skin of palm for grasping; protects muscles,nerves, and blood vessel; creates tunnels to stabilize hand structures.
    Palmar Aponeurosis
  31. _____ _____: located where joint motion or tension on the tendons causes the tendons to move away from the joint. Prevents bowstringing.
    Retinacular Systems
  32. ______: puts muscles at a mechanical advantage by increasing the moment arm but requires more shortening of muscles causing active insufficiency.
  33. Negatives of Bowstringing: 3 things
    • more susceptible to injury
    • interferes with contact between hand and object
    • changes mechanics of muscle
  34. Forms roof over carpal tunnel. ___ ____ ___.
    Transverse Carpal Ligament
  35. As fingers flex, wrist ____.
    • extends
    • Promotes Synergy like a boss
  36. _____ _____: broad ligamentous sheet between the radius and the ulna. Fibers run distally and medially from the radius to the ulna. Provides stability for both proximal and distal radioulnar joints. Binds radius and ulna together.
    Interosseus Membrane
  37. ______ _______: forms ring around head of the radius holding the radius to the ulna while allowing rotation to occur with pronation and suppination.
    annular ligament
  38. Closed pack position of humeroulnar joint?
    full extension
  39. Lateral collateral ligament resists ____.
    Medial collateral ligament resists ____.
    • Varus
    • Valgus
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Kinesiology Test 3
Kinesiology Test 3