Lecture 1
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What approach did Plato have?
Dualist Approach
2 ideas discussed by Plato reoccur in later thinking
Emotions are contrasted with that which is rational and reasoned
Emotions play a central role in psychological conflict
What is the Dualist approach?
Separation of mind and body
Emotions should be in control because it is a negative thing
Opposite of rational and reason
emotions play a central role in psychological conflict
What approach did Aristotle have?
Functionalist approach
What if the Functionalist approach?
Analysis of something in terms of how it functions
fxn vs form
: defining anger
1) reaching out for retaliation (fxn)
2) as the boiling of the blood around the heart (form)
peripheral arousal =
sympathetic nervous system arousal = physiological arousal
James-Lang Theory
the perception of physiological and bodily changes that cause the emotion
Stimulus –> physio. arousal changes –> perception of changes = emotion
physio. changes are CRUCIAL
patterns of arousal
your body is doing something different at each emotion
ex. facial expression, body movement (Guilt will look different to anger)
internal organ of the body
heart, liver, etc
emotional feeling
Awareness of the unique physiological state
Nervous system
CNS activates both brain and spinal cord
PNS activates autonomic and somatic
Autonomic activate sym and parasym
Sympathetic system activate the emotions
constrict pupils
increase saliva
decrease HR
increase digestive fxn
stends to exert influence on target organs individually
dilates pupil
decrease saliva
increase HR
decrease digestive fxn
sweat glands
goose bumps
tends to respond as a whole
Cannons Theory - 5 criticisms of James-Lang theory
visera are insensitive structures (too differentiated)
same visceral changes occur in diff. emotional states + in non-emotional states
too slow to be source of emotional feeling
artificial induction of visceral changes doesnt produce emotion
total separation of viscera from CNS does not affect emotional behavior
Cannons conclusion
adrenaline does not produce emotion
Maronon's Study
Gave adrenaline shots to naïve subjects
Subjects describe experience
30% report some emotion (usually anxiety, sadness)
70% report “as if” experiences
Evidence AGAINST James-Lang Theory
Cannons Conclusion to Maronons Study
Adrenaline does not produce emotional experience
Sherrington's Exp.
Dog (sympathectimized) still learn to jump over the barrier to avoid shock
Cannon's model of emotion
stimulus –> perception of stimulus –> CNS activation (in thalamus) –> Emotion (feeling, arousal, behavior)
Schacter's 2-factor theory
stimulus –> physio. arousal –> perception of arousal labeled based on cognitive assessment of situation –> emotional behavior and expression
Block arousal emotion would
be possible in
James-Lang theory
Schachter's 2-factor theory
Schacher and Singer exp.
given epinephrine or placebo
place in euphoria or dysphoria condition
• In euphoria w/ Epi condition ppl had more positive emotions
• In dysphoria w/ Epi condition ppl had more negative emotions
• No diff. in self reports
Conclusions of Schacher and Singer exp.
The same physio. state in diff. contexts will produce diff. internal labels
physiological arousal is necessary in order to exp. emotion
Criticism to Schacher and Singer exp.
did not get diff. label or else they would have labeled it so
data does not provide evidence the physio. arousal is necessary
block arousal to show this (need to take away what is essential to show this)
Critique to The same physio. state in diff. contexts will produce diff. internal labels
No evidence that the physiological state produced different internal labels
Placebo group & epinephrine-ignorant group no differences in emotion S-R in anger or euphoria conditions
no evidence for different internal labels
Critique to Physiological arousal is necessary in order to experience emotion
Their data provide no evidence for this
Must block arousal in order to show this.
More angry behavior in the Epinephrine-Ignorant group compared to Placebo, only shows that arousal can enhance emotional behavior
Does not show that arousal is
for emotion
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Lecture 1
Psyc 153 lecture 1
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