Embryology Chapter twelve

  1. wearing away of the enamel caused because of tooth-to-tooth contact. Can be caused by normal occlusion or grinding
  2. Does more attrition occur with regular enamel or porcelain crowns, why?
    porcelain crowns, because it is harder than enamel
  3. wearing away of the enamel caused by non-tooth contact. usually caused by hard tooth brushing and abrasive tooth pastes, or even bobby pins. be careful with the polishing pastes you choose
  4. What is the most probable cause for tooth abrasion?
    tooth brushing and abrasive pastes
  5. is abrasion or abfraction more smooth?
  6. wearing away of the enamel caused by chemical means. Usually caused by stomach acid (seen in bulimics and people with sever acid reflux) or beverages with high acidity (carbonated soft drinks or sports drinks)
  7. this type of wearing away of enamel may even occur if you suck on lemons a lot
  8. true or false. Right fter you throw up, it is better to rinse with water than to brush your teeth because you are rubbing the stomach acid all over your teeth if you brush right after
  9. demineralization of the enamel from the acidic byproducts of cariogenic bacteria (plaque poop)
  10. Caries occur when the pH is at what level?
    less than 5.5
  11. enamel just breaks away at the cervical margin of the tooth and no one really knows why. it may be caused by tensile and compressive forces during tooth flexure
  12. this condition usually occurs in one place/tooth, and the edges are very very distinct
  13. While laying down the matrix the ameloblasts backed into each other and it cut off their________________. This created____________and/or_____________.
    • nutritional supply
    • incomplete enamel
    • deep pits and grooves
  14. This incomplete enamel is a pit or groove in the toothe that is_____________for your tooth brush bristles, but___________________for bacteria
    • too small
    • large enough
  15. What sticks to the instrument when you are exploring the pits, gaps, and grooves of the tooth when you explore it?
    bacteria that passes through the gaps in the enamel and start demineralizing the less calcified dentin and pulp beneath it
  16. when bacteria passes through the gaps, pits, and grooves in the enamel, what does it start doing?
    demineralizing the less calcified dentin and pulp beneath it.
  17. true or false. Decay moves FAST when it gets to the dentin
  18. ___________create a barrier so that bacteria cannot penetrate a pit or groove
  19. this helps to form stronger crystalline structures while teeth are developing
    systemic fluoride
  20. this helps to remineralize enamel after bacterial demineralization
    topical fluoride
  21. removes some of the organic portions of enamel to open gaps in the enamel so that the sealant material can flow in and increase surface attachment
    etch material, or etching
  22. true or false. Etching is a mechanical material
  23. stains from dark foods, drinks, and tobacco collect in the_____________
    interprismatic region
  24. What are 2 things that can stain your teeth that usually are the cause for stains on 'Mormon' teeth?
    • rootbeer
    • blueberries
  25. What is the chemical contained in tooth whitening products that will bleach out stain?
    peroxide products
  26. When we use bleach, where is it bleaching out the stain? why do we want the bleach to reach here?
    • from the interprismatic regions and it reaches all the way to bleach the dentin
    • because the dentin is yellow, not the enamel
  27. When our teeth are sensative after bleaching them, is it the enamel or the dentin? Why?
    • dentin
    • because the bleach can reach all the way down to the dentin
  28. Why does it cause sensativity when dentin is bleached?
    because the dentinal tubules communicate directly with the pulp (nerve supply) of the tooth
Card Set
Embryology Chapter twelve
enamel 2