Neuro Blcok 3

  1. If the MLF is lesioned, what ill occur?
    Where is the MLF located in the brainstem?
    INO (internuclear Opthlmoplegia)

    located in the Pons and Medulla
  2. Horners syndro, you see?
    Lesion of the Left?>
    • Ptosis
    • anhydrosis
    • Miosis

    Left sided Horners (it is Ipsi- doesnt cross, follows ALST all the way to the IML).
  3. Corticobulbar (nuclear) fibers originate where? end where?
    Is it unilateral?
    Start in the M1 motor cortex and end in the Motor centtal nuclei in Pons and Medulla

    -No it is Bilateral innervation. but the Lower face gets only contralateral innervation.
  4. What happens when the LMN of CBT (CN7) is lesioned?

    What happens when the UMN of CBT is lesioned?
    • Get Bells Palsey.
    • both the upper and lower portions of one side of the face are not functioning.

    Lower portion of the face is not working (central Seven)
  5. What are the Pure Motor CN?
  6. What are the Pure Sensory CN?
  7. What are the Mixed CN?
    What are the PSN CN?

  8. The trigeminal neucleus carries other sensory fibers and has different Nucei, what are they at the levels of :

    Spinal Cord?

    Once they cross they go to?
    The Trigeminal Spinal Nucleus- carries Pain and Temp

    • - The Trigeminal Spinal Nucleus- carries Pain and Temp
    • -See CNV Cheif (principle nucleus)-- Carrying FT,Vibration

    CNV Mesencephalic Nucleus-- Carries the Proprioception fibers

    - VPM of the thalmus
  9. What is the Difference in tracts between Pain in the body verses pain in the head?
    Body: STT (in ALST, all ready crossed) ---> VPL of thalmus

    Head: Trigeminal tract-->cross in the trigenimal-thalamic tract--> VPM of thalmus
  10. What nerves have automatic Respiratory, cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal Control?

    Where are they located?>
    CN 9,10,12 nucei

    In the Medulla
  11. What does the Inferior Peduncle connect?
    The Medulla and the cerebellum
  12. a lesion in the lower motor neuron of the CN 12 causes? UMN lesion?
    Tongue points toward affected side (flacid)

    Tongue points away from affected side (spastic)
  13. Where are cell bodies for CN 11?

    lesion, what do you see?
    Spinal cord, level upper 5-6 cervical segments

    Weakness in turning head Contralaterally, Ipsilateral Sholder drop
  14. What are the 4 nucei that CN 10 (vagus) is associtaed with?
    • 1.Dorsal Motor Nucleus of X---> viscera motor
    • 2.Nucleus ambigus--> Pharynx and larynx contol
    • 3.nucleus Solitarius--> Taste and Visceral Sensory
    • 4.Spinal Trigemial--> Sensory of the ear and meningies
  15. CN 9 Motor effects
    what does it innervate?
    Sylopharngeus (no somatic skeletal muscle innervation)

    • is in the nucleus Ambigus, lifts the Pharynx during talking and swollowing
    • PSN of the Parotid gland
  16. CN9 Sensory efffects

    Where is its primary neuron?
    • Tase of the posterior 1/3 of tongue
    • Visceral Sensory (carotid chemo and baro receptors)

    Cardiorespiratory with CN 10

    1ary - Superior Glossopharengeal ganglion

    2ary- Spinal trigeminal Nuclei
  17. What Senses are in the Trigemial Tract coming down in the Spinotrigeminal tract?
    • Ipsilateral
    • Pain,temp,itch, Proprio,Vib,FT for the Mouth, anterior 2/3 of the tongue, nasal sinuses and supratentorial dura.

    Also encodes Pain, and temp from outer ear on CN 10,9,7
  18. What does the Inferior Olive do>
    it gives rise to the climbing fibers that innervate the contralateral half of the cerebellum.
  19. what does the ICP do?
    take cerebellar afferents and the Olivocerebellar fibers (climing fibers from the ION) to the cerebellum.
  20. At the Base of the Pons, What are the three main fiber tracts?
    1. Corticalspinal


  21. ageusia?
    altered taste, result of Facial nerve damage
  22. saccades go to what direction if the RT PPRF is stimulated?

    Lesion of the cerebral hemisphere will cause gaze to move?
    to the left (contralateral side)

    to the side of the lesion
  23. What is the location of the CNV motor nucleus? Sensory nucleus?

    What muscles does it control?
    - Upper to mid pons

    - run from the midbrain to upper cervical spinal cord

    - Tensor tympanii and Muscles of mastication
  24. Obicularis Oculi is innervated by?
  25. What does CN 4 innervate?
    What happens when it is lesioned?
    What will the patient do to compensate?
    • Superior Olique
    • eye will tend to move up and out (Vertical Diplopia)
    • Patient will tuck chin in and move head away from infected eye
  26. What will you see in a pateint with CN3 lesion?
    • Loss of acomadation
    • Ptosis, and a dilated puple and loss of light reflex.
    • Eye will be Down and out at rest
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Neuro Blcok 3
Neuro Blcok 3