Ch. 14 Ear

  1. audiogram
    recording of the fiantest sounds an indivisual is able to hear
  2. auditory
    pertaining to sense of hearing
  3. aural
    pertaining to the ear
  4. auriculotemporal
    pertaining to the ear and the temporal area of the skull
  5. barotitis media
    inflammation or bleeding of the middle ear caused by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure
  6. labyrinithitis
    inflammation of the inner ear
  7. mastoiditis
    inflammation of the mastiod process of hte temporal bone
  8. myringoplasty
    surgical repoair of the eardrum with a tissue graft
  9. myringotomy
    surgical incision into the eardrum
  10. otalgia
    pain in the ear
  11. otitis media
    inflammation of the middle ear
  12. otomycosis
    fungal infection fo the external auditory meatus of the ear
  13. otorrhea
    drainage from the ear
  14. presbycusis
    loss of hearing due to the natrual aging process
  15. purulent
    containing pus
  16. salpingoscope
    instrument used to examine the nasopharynx and the eutachian tube
  17. serous
    pertaining to procedure serum
  18. stapedectomy
    surgical removal of the stapes (middle ear) and insertion of a graft and prosthesis
  19. tinnitus
    ringing or tinkling noise heard in the ears
  20. vertigo
  21. cholesteatoma
    slow-growing cystic mass made up of epithelial cell debris and cholesterol found in the middle ear
  22. conductive deafness
    hearing loss casued by the breakdown of the transmission of sound waves through th emiddle and/or external ear
  23. sensorineural deafness
    hearing los caused by the inability of nerve stimuli to be delivered to the brain from the inner ear due to damage of the auditory nerve or cochlea or to lesions of the 8th cranial nerve (auditory)
  24. impacted cerumen
    excessive accumulation of the waxlike secretions from the glands of the external ear canal
  25. Meniere's disease
    chronic inner ear disease in which there is an overaccumulation of endolymph (fluid in the labyrinth) characterized by recurring episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, feling of pressure or fullness in the affected ear, and tinnitus
  26. otitis externa
    inflammaiton of the outer or external ear canal
  27. serous otitis media
    collection of clear fluid in the middle ear that may follow acute otitis media or be due to an obstruction of the eustachian tube
  28. suppurative otitis media
    acute otitis media
    purulent collection of fluid in the middle ear, cuasing the person to experience pain, fever, dizziness, decreased hearing, vertigo, and tinnitus
  29. otosclerosis
    footplate of the stapes becomes immobile and secured to the oval window = hearing loss
  30. audiometry
    process of measuring how well an individual hears various frequencies of sound waves
  31. otoscopy
    use of an otoscope to view and examine the tympanic membrane and various parts of the outer ear
  32. tuning fork test
    Rinne test
    examination that compares bone conduction and air conduction
  33. Tuning fork test
    Weber test
    examinaiton used to evaluate auditory acuity and to discover whether a hearing deficit is a conductive loss or sensorineural loss
  34. otoplasty
    removal of a poriton of ear cartilage to bring the pinna and auricle nearer the head
  35. stapedectomy
    microsurgical removal of the stapes diseased by otosclerosis, typiaclly under local anesthesia
Card Set
Ch. 14 Ear
Medical Terminology CLC HIT 111