Ch. 14 eye

  1. ambiopia
    double vision caused by each eye focusing separately
  2. amblyopia
    redcued vision that is ont correctable with lenses and with no obvious pathological or structural cause (dullness or dimness of vision)
  3. anisocoria
    inequality in the diameter of the pupils of the eyes
  4. aphakia
    absence of the lens of the eye
  5. aqueous
  6. Argyll-Robertson pupil
    pupil that constricts upon accommodation but not in response to light
  7. biomicroscopy
    slit-lamp exam
    opthalmic examination of the eye by use of a slit lamp and a magnifying lens
  8. blephorachalasis
    relaxation of the skin of the eyelid (usually the upper eyelid). skin may droop over the edge of the eyelid when the eyes are open
  9. belpharoptosis
    drooping of the upper eyelid
  10. blepharospasm
    twitching of the eylid muscles
  11. conjunctivitis
    inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye
  12. cycloplegia
    paralysis of the ciliary muscles of the eye
  13. dacryoadenitis
    inflammation of the lacrimal gland
  14. dacryorrhea
    excessive flow of tears
  15. ectropion
    eversion (turning outward) of the edge of the eyelid
  16. emmetropia
    a state of normal vision
  17. entropion
    inversion (turning inward) of the edge of the eyelid
  18. episcleritis
    inflammation of the outermost layers of the sclera
  19. esotropia
    an obvious outward turning of one eye in relation to the other eye
  20. funduscopy
    the examination of the fundus of the eye, the base or the deepest part of the eye, with an instrument called opthalmoscope through a procedure called opthalmoscopy
  21. hemianopia
    loss of vision or blindnessl in one-half of the visual field
  22. iridocyclitis
    inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye
  23. keratoconjunctivitis
    inflammaiton of the cornea and the conjunctiva of the eye
  24. keratoconus
    cone-shaped protrusion of the center of the cornea, not accompanied by inflammation
  25. keratomycosis
    fungal growth present on the cornea
  26. lacrimation
    secretion of tears from the lacrimal glands
  27. miosis
    abnormal constriction of the pupil of the eye
  28. miotic
    an agent that causes the pupil of the eye to constrict
  29. mydriasis
    abnormal dilation of the pupil of the eye
  30. mydriatic
    an agent causes the pupil of the eye to dilate
  31. nystagmus
    involuntary, rhythmic jerking movements of the eye
  32. ophthalmologist
    MD who specializes in the comprehensive care of the eyes and visual system in the prevention and treatment of eye disease and injury
  33. opthalmology
    branch of medicine that speicalizes in the stdy of the diseases and disorders of the eye
  34. ophthalmopathy
    any disease of the eye
  35. optic
    pretaining to the eyes or to sight
  36. palpebral
  37. papilledema
    swelling of the optic disc, visible upon ophthalmoscopic examination of the interior of the eye
  38. phacomalacia
    softening of the lens of the eye
  39. photophobia
    abnormal sensitivity to light, espcially by the eyes
  40. presbyopia
    loss of accommodation for near vision; poor near-vision due to the natural aging process
  41. pupillary
    pertaining to the pupil
  42. retinopathy
    disease of the retina
  43. sclerectomy
    excision of a portion of the sclear of the eye
  44. scotoma
    an area of depressed vision (blindness) within the usual visual field, surrouinded by an area of normal vision
  45. uveitis
    inflammaiton of the uveal tract of the eye, which includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid
  46. vitreous
    pertaining to the vitreous body of the eye
  47. astigmatism
    refractive error causing light rays entering the eye to be focused irregularly on the retina due to an abnormally shaped cornea or lens
  48. blepharitis
    acute or chronic inflammation of the yelid margins stemming from seborrheic allergic, or bacterial origin
  49. chalazion
    a cyst or nodule on the eyelid, resulting from an obstruction of a meibomian gland, which is responsible for lubricating the margin of the eyelid
  50. exophthalmia
    abnormal protursio of the eyeballs, usually with the sclera noticeable over the iris
  51. glaucoma
    ocular disorders identified as a group due to the increase in intraocular pressure
  52. hordeolum
    bacterial infection of an eyelash or sebaceous gland originating with redness, swelling, and mild tenderness in the margin of the eyelash
  53. hyperopia
    refractive error; lens of the eye cannot focus on an image accurately, resulting in impaired close vision that is blured due to the light rays being focused behind the retina because the eyeball is shorter than normal; far-sighted
  54. hyphema
    bleed into the anterior chamber of the eye
  55. keratitis
    corneal inflammation caused by a microorgansim, trauma to the ye, break in the sensory innervation of the cornea, a hypersensitiivty reaction, or treaing defect
  56. myopia
    refractive error; nearsightedness
  57. nyctalopia
    night blindness
  58. ophthalmia neonatorum
    purulent (contains pus) inflammaiton of the conjunctiva and/or cornea in the newborn
  59. pterygium
    irregular growth developing as a fold in the conjunctiva, usually on the nsal side of the cornea, that can disrupt vision if it extends over the pupil
  60. retinal tear
    opening in the retina that allows leakage of vitreous humor
  61. scotoma
    one or both eyes that has a decreased visual function
  62. strabismus
    failure of the eyes to gaze in the same direction due to weakness in the muscles controlling the position of one eye
  63. synechia
    adhesion in the eye that develops as a complication of trauma or surgery or as a secondary condition of one of the following pathaological conditions: cataracts, glaucoma, keratitis, or uveitis
  64. trachoma
    infectious disease; chronic and will ead to blidness without effective treatment
  65. uveitis
    inflammation of all or part of the middle vascualr layer of the eye made up of the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid
  66. electronystagmography
    group of tests used in evaluating the vestibulo-ocular reflex
  67. electroretinogram
    recording of the changes in the eletrical potential of the retina after the stimualtino of light
  68. fluorescein staining
    applicaiton of a fluorescein-stained sterile filter paper strip moistened with a few drops of serile saline or sterile anesthetic solution to the lower cul-de-sac of the eye to visualize a corneal abrasion
  69. gonioscopy
    process of viewing the anterior chamber
  70. iridectomy
    extraction of a small segment o fthe iris to open an anterior chamber angle and permit flow of aqueous humor between the anterior and posterior chambers, thus relieving the person's intraocular pressure
  71. keratoplasty
    transplantation of corneal tissue from one human eye to another to improve vision in the affected eye
  72. pachymetry
    measurment of the thickness of the cornea
  73. phacoemulsification
    method of removing a lense by using ultrasound vibrations to split up the lens material into tiny particles tha tcan be suctioned out of the eye
  74. retinal photocoaulation
    surgical procedure that uses an arogn laser to treat conditions such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy
  75. tonometry
    process of determining the intraocular pressure by calulating the resistance of the yeball to an applied force causeing indentation
  76. trabeculectomy
    surgical excision of a poriton of corneoscleral tissue to decrease the intraocualr pressure in persons with severe glaucoma
  77. trabeculoplasty
    surgical creation of a permanent fisutla used to drain fluid (aqueous humor) from the eye's anterior chamber, ususally performed under general anesthesia
Card Set
Ch. 14 eye
Medical Terminology CLC HIT 111