Anterior median fissure - wide grove on the anterior (ventral) side - divided white matter into left and right
Posterior median sulcus - narrow furrow on the posterior (dorsal) side
Grey commisure - forms crossbar of grey H
Central canal - in the grey commisure - runs entire length of spinal cord and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid - at its superior end it is continuous with the fourth ventrical in the medulla oblongata
anterior white commisure - anterior to the grey commisure - connects the white matter of the right and left side of the spinal cord
posterior (dorsal) grey horns - contain cell bodies and axons of interneurons as well as axons of incoming sensory neurons ( cells bodies of the sensory neurons are in the dorsal root ganglion)
anterior (ventral) grey horns - contain somatic motor nuclei which are clusters of cell bodies of somatic motor neurons that provide nerve impulses for contraction of skeletal muscles
lateral grey horns - present only in thoracic and upper lumbar segments of the spinal cord - contain autonomic motor nuclei which are clusters of cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons that regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
- white columns 1) anterior white columns 2) posterior white columns 3) lateral white columns
- each column contains distince bundles of anons having a common origin or destination
- tracts - bundles of axons in the CNS-may extend long distances up and down the spinal cord - white matter in the white columns
- sensory ascending tracts - axons that conduct nerve impulses toward the brain
- motor descending tracts - axons that carry nerve impulses from the brain