Scene Design

  1. Given Circumstances
    • Functionality-provides needs of the play
    • Expositional-World of the play
    • Aesthetic-Emotions and context
    • Practical-Within budget, real tostyle/period
  2. Baseline Dimension
    Vertical pulled dimensions used in ground plan and Elevations
  3. Continuous Dimensions
    Horizontal dropped dimensions used in groundplan and Elevations
  4. Design Elevation
    Exterior view of the set portraying the walls, furniture and dressing vertically drawn in ¼” and ½” scale.
  5. Groundplan
    A floorplan of the ground level of the set. Includes furniture and curtain, alsocontains Title block. Drawn in 1/8” and ¼”.
  6. Section drawing
    A cut section drawn in a side view
  7. Thumbnail drawing
    Early sketches of set. Trial and error process
  8. Tools necessary for drafting
    90°, 45°, vellum, T-square, 4h & 2h pencil, draftingtape, drafting table, eraser, scale rule, pons bag, French curve or flex curve
  9. 5 Elements of Design
    Line, form, mass, value, color
  10. Describe the approach to develop a scenic design for a script
    Read play twice, action analysis, do research, find images, draw thumbnails, draft groundplan, elevations, orthographic method projection.
Card Set
Scene Design
stuff for class, go