chap 11

  1. alveoli
    small cavities in which oxygen is removed from the air delivered by the bronchiloes
  2. apex
    upper tip of each lung
  3. base
    bottom of each lung
  4. bronchi
    tubes (r and L) branching off from the trachea and into the lungs
  5. bronchiole
    very small branches of bronchi that extend into the lungs
  6. cilia
    small hairs in the upper respiratory tract that sweep foreign matter and mucus out of the respiratory tract
  7. diaphragm
    major muscle of respiration located at the base of the thoracic cavity
  8. epiglottis
    a mucous membrane covered leaf shaped piece of cartilage at the root of the tongue
  9. external respiration
    process whereby air is brought into the lungs, and oxygen and co2 are exchanged in the blood within the capillaries of the alveoli
  10. glottis
    vocal folds and apparatus of the larnyx
  11. internal respiration
    process whereby the o2 and co2 are exchanged at the cellular level
  12. larynopharynx
    lower portion of the pharynx
  13. larynx
    voice box/ vocal cords
  14. mediastrinum
    area between the lungs that houses the heart, aorta, trachea, esophagus, bronchi
  15. mucus
    clear secretion produced in the respiratory tract
  16. nasopharynx
    upper portion of the pharynx
  17. oropharynx
    middle portion of the pharynx
  18. patency
    state of being open
  19. patent
    open; adj form of patency
  20. pharynx
    passageway just below the nasal cavity of the mouth
  21. phrenic
    adj referring to the diaphragm syn with diaphragmatic
  22. pleura
    serous membrane that surrounds the lung; parietal pleura is the outer layer; visceral pleura is the inner layer
  23. pulmonary
    adj freq used to mod another term in or associated with the lungs
  24. sputum
    this mucus ejected through mouth
  25. trachea
  26. apnea
    absence of breathing
  27. asthma
    lung disease char'd by reversible inflamm and constriction
  28. atelectasis
    collapse of a lung or part of a lung
  29. bradypnea
    abnormal slowness of respiration
  30. bronchial pneumonia
    inflmmation of the smaller bronchial tubes
  31. bronchiectasis
    chronic dilation of the bronchi
  32. bronchistenosis
    narrowing of the bronchial tubes
  33. cheyne-stokes
    a rhy respiratory pattern where there is a variation in depth of respiration alternating with periods of apnea
  34. croup/laryngotracheobronchitis
    a viral infection that causes swelling of the larynx and epiglottis; barking nose
  35. cystic fibrosis
    genetic disorder in which lungs become clogged with excessive amounts of abnorm thick mucus
  36. dysphonia
    • dificult or painful speech
    • diff breathing
  37. emphysema
    cond in which the alveoli are ineffic because of distension
  38. hemoptysis
    blood-tinged frothy sputum
  39. Kussmaul
    rapid deep respirations that are char'd of an acid base imbalance (seen in diabetes)
  40. laryngitis
    inflammation of the larynx
  41. orthopnea
    discomfort or diff in breathing while lying fla; diff is relieved by sitting up
  42. pertussis
    am acute infection inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi caused by bordetella pertussis
  43. phrenoplegia
    paralysis of the diaphragm
  44. pneumolith
    calculus in the lung
  45. pneumonia
    inflammation of a lung caused by infection, chem inhale, or trauma
  46. pneumothorax
    accumulation of air in the pleural space
  47. rales
    abnormal breath sound; crackles
  48. rhonchi
    abnrm breath sound; low pitched sonorous sounds
  49. stridor
    high pitched squaking sound freq assoc with croup
  50. tuberculosis
    disease caused by presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis, most comm affecting lungs
  51. wheezing
    abnormal breath sounds, whistling sounds ehard with upper airway obstruction
  52. antihistaminic
    arterial blood gas
    • used to treat allergic rxn's
    • reduce fever
    • measures the partial pressures of o2 and co2 in the arterial blood
  53. decongestant
    drug used to reduces edema and congestion
  54. postural drainage
    physical therapty technique where the px lies on his side on a decline to help drain lungs
  55. pulmonary func tests
    measurement of lung vol to assess breathing and ventilation; spirometer is used
  56. thoracentesis
    insertion of a needle into the pleural cav to w/d fluid for diag purposes, to drain excess, or rexpand coll lung
  57. otolaryngologist
    phy who spec in diag and treat of ENT
  58. pulmonologist
    respiratory therapist
    • phy diag treat respiratory disorders
    • study of
    • allied health care pro who specializes in airway management, mechanical vent, and blood acid-base balance
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chap 11
chap 11