A&P: Regions of the brain

  1. Cerebral cortex
    Part of the brain that is the site of the conscious mind; enables self-awareness, communication, memory, understanding, and initiation of voluntary movements
  2. 5 divisions of the cerebral hemispheres
    Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, insula
  3. Name the 4 motor areas of the cerebral cortex
    • 1. Primary (somatic) motor cortex
    • 2. Premotor cortex
    • 3. Broca's area
    • 4. Frontal eye field
  4. Primary motor cortex
    Allows for conscious control of precise or skilled voluntary movements of skeletal muscles
  5. Premotor cortex
    Controls learned motor skill of a repetitious or patterned nature (playing an instrument, typing, etc.)
  6. Broca's area
    Motor speech area that directs muscles involved in speech production
  7. Frontal eye field
    controls voluntary movement of the eyes
  8. The 8 sensory areas of the cerebral cortex
    • 1. Primary somatosensory cortex
    • 2. Somatosensory association cortex
    • 3. Visual areas
    • 4. Auditory areas
    • 5. Olfactory cortex
    • 6. Gustatory cortex
    • 7. Visceral sensory area
    • 8. Vestibular (equilibrium) cortex
  9. Primary somatosensory cortex
    Receives information from somatic sensory receptors in the skin and from proprioceptors in skeletal muscles, joints, and tendon; responsible for spatial discrimination
  10. Somatosensory association cortex
    Integrates sensory inputs (temperature, pressure, etc.) relayed to it via the primary somatosensory cortex to produce an understanding of the object being felt (size, texture, etc.)
  11. Visual areas
    Receives visual information that originates on the retina
  12. Auditory areas
    Interprets impulses of sound energy entering the inner ear as pitch, loudness, and location
  13. Olfactory cortex
    Responsible for conscious awareness of odors
  14. Gustatory cortex
    Involved in the perception of taste stimuli
  15. Visceral sensory area
    Involved in conscious perception of visceral sensations (upset stomach, full bladder, etc.)
  16. Vestibular (equilibrium) cortex
    Responsible for conscious awareness of balance
Card Set
A&P: Regions of the brain
Identify the regions of the brain by function