Muscle and heart biochem.txt

  1. What is the function of ANT?
    • Send one ATP out of the mitochondria and bring in one ADP into the mitochondria
    • It is an antiport.
  2. Where is CK generally bound?
    M-band of sarcomere
  3. Describe general cycle to produce Cr-P:
    • ANT sends ATP to Inner mitochondrial space (IMS)
    • Porin Bring Cr into IMS
    • CK + ATP = Cr-P sent out of Porin and ADP sent back to IMM through ANT
  4. What is the role of AMPK?
    • Inhibit anabolic pathways that consume ATP
    • Activate catabolic pathways that produce ATP
  5. What is the pasteur effect?
    increased rate of glucose metabolism during anaerobic conditions
  6. Where is glycogen located in the sarcomere?
    around the I-band
  7. How many ATP from glucose and glycogen during anaerobic glycolysis?
    • Glucose = 2 ATP
    • Glycogen = 3 ATP
  8. What are the four molecules that activate glycogen phosphorylase?
    • ATP - offer one P (or use AMP or AMPK - glycogen phosphorylase)
    • Epinephrine
    • Pi
    • Calcium - phosphorylase kinase
  9. What is McArdle disease?
    • lack of glycogen phosphorylase = no G6P = lack of glucose from glycogen
    • They need a high carb diet to use dietary glucose before exercising
  10. What is the name of the Lactate shuttle in muscles?
  11. How does AMPK accelerate B-oxidation?
    It inhibits ACC2 (this produces isoforms of malonyl CoA which block B-oxidation)
  12. What three molecules are accumulated upon AMP degradation?
    • Pi
    • NH3 (PFK-1 activator through Higher pH)
    • Adenosine (vasodilator)
  13. What are the three substrates the heart uses for fuel?
    • Glucose
    • Fatty Acids
    • Lactate
  14. What happens to lactate and B-oxidation during intense exercise?
    • Lactate goes up
    • B-oxidation goes down b/c carnitine shuttle is stopped
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Muscle and heart biochem.txt
Muscle and heart biochem