PreSolo Flight Exam

  1. What is maximum gross weight of the airplane in the Normal Category? POH 1-5
    2400 lbs – takeoff
  2. If a glider is converging with an airplane, which has the right away?
  3. What are the limit load factors in both the normal and utility categories for the C172 with flaps up and down?
    • Normal
    • Flaps UP +3.9 gs, -1.52 gs
    • Flaps DN +3 gs
    • Utility
    • Flaps UP +4.4 gs, -1.76 gs
    • Flaps DN +3 gs
  4. What preflight action is required of a pilot prior to a flight? FAR 91.103
    Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight.
  5. What is the maximum rpm of your airplane’s engine? POH
    2700 rpm
  6. Define aerobatic maneuver. FAR 91.303
    “For the purposes of this section, aerobatic flight means an intentional maneuver involving an abrupt change in an aircraft's attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight”
  7. General describe the engine in your airplane. POH 2-5
    Normally aspirated (carb) four cylinder, dual mag, 160 hp, piston engine with a fixed propeller, running on 100LL avgas.
  8. What is the definition of careless or reckless operation? FAR 91.13
    “No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.”
  9. What is the oil capacity of your airplane? POH 2-13
    7 quarts
  10. What is the minimum amount of time a pilot is required to wait after the consumption of alcohol? FAR 91.17
    8 hours
  11. What would happen to the fuel indicators if all electricity in the airplane was lost?
    The fuel gauges would not function.
  12. What are the basic VFR weather minimums? What is the minimum visibility for a student pilot?
    • Class B – 3 SM, clear of clouds
    • Class C, D, 3 SM, 500, 2000,1000
    • Class E < 10K, 3 SM, 500, 2000,1000
    • Class E>10K, 3 SM, 1000, 1 SM, 1000
    • Class G <1200 agl, Day 1SM, clear of clouds, Night 3 SM 500, 2000, 1000
    • Class G>1200 agl < 10k MSL, Day 1SM, 500, 2000, 1000, Night 3 SM 500, 2000, 1000
    • Class G>1200 agl,> 10k MSL, 5 SM, 1000, 1 SM, 1000, 3 SM visibility for student pilots.
  13. Why is it necessary to drain fuel out of the sumps after refueling and before the first flight of the day?
    To remove any moisture caused by condensation or bad fuel, and to remove any sediment that might have collected.
  14. List and describe each of the light gun signals available from the ATC.
    • Solid Red
    • Ground – Stop!
    • Air – Give way, go around, and continue in flight pattern.
    • Flashing Red
    • Ground – Clear Runway
    • Air – Airport is closed.
    • Solid Green
    • Ground – Cleared to take off
    • Air – Cleared to land
    • Flashing Green
    • Ground - Cleared to Taxi
    • Air – Return to airport
    • Alternating Red / Green
    • Exercise extreme caution.
    • Flashing White
    • Ground – Return to starting part on airport
  15. Will the engine still run if the master switch is turned off?
    Yes. The engine operates on fuel flow and magnetos. Magnetos produce the spark for ignition as long as the engine is rotating. Thus, an aircraft can lose all electrical, i.e. master switch off, and still run.
  16. What are wing tip vortices? With which aircraft are they the greatest?
    • All wings create wing tip vortices as long as they are creating lift. The left wing will create a clockwise spinning vortices and the right wing a counter clockwise vortices as viewed from behind. Large, heavy planes/jets create the greatest vortices thus the greatest wake turbulence.
    • Vortices tend to rise and then fall behind the creating aircraft and can be deadly upon final approach, landing, or take off. Since the vortices tend to fall and are no longer created by the aircraft while it is on the ground, it is best to land farther down the runway than the heavy craft, or to rotate on takeoff on the runway prior to the place where the vortices creating craft rotated previously.
  17. What endorsements are required for solo flight? What three documents must you have in your possession to solo an aircraft as a student?
    • 3rd Class medical certificate
    • Student pilot certificate with appropriate endorsements
    • Logbook
  18. During a mag check, what is the maximum allowable rpm drop? POH 4-14
  19. Draw an airport traffic pattern labeling each leg and the proper entry and departure points. Which turn direction is standard for an airport traffic pattern?
  20. List the traffic pattern altitude, direction of turns, noise abatement procedures for KORL.
    • Traffic Pattern 11 AGL
    • Runway 7, traffic pattern L: Runway 25, traffic pattern R
    • Runway 13, traffic pattern L: Runway 31, traffic pattern R
    • Noise Abatement: Noise sensitive airport. Runway 07 preferred weather permitting.
  21. KORL radio frequencies:
    • CTAF: 118.7 - UNICOM: 122.95 - ATIS: 127.25
    • EXECUTIVE GROUND: 121.4 239.0 [0600-2300]
    • EXECUTIVE TOWER: 118.7 239.0 [0600-2300]
  22. What is the fuel capacity of the C172 P which you fly? How much of the fuel is usable? POH 2-9
    43 gallons total, 40 gallons usable.
  23. What is the authority and responsibility of the PIC? FAR 91.3
    The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of that aircraft.
  24. When are you required to wear a seat belt? FAR 91.05 / 91.107
    Seat belt use during taxi, takeoff, landing, and while en route. Shoulder harnesses are additionally required during takeoff and landing.
  25. When is it permitted to deviate from an ATC instruction? FAR 91.123
    When an ATC clearance has been obtained, no pilot in command may deviate from that clearance unless an amended clearance is obtained, an emergency exists, or the deviation is in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory.
  26. What grades of aviation fule is available for use? What color is each?
    • Avgas 100/130 – Green
    • Avgas 100 LL – Blue
    • Avgas 82 UL – Purple
    • Avgas 80/87 – Red
  27. When an aircraft is approaching another head on, each pilot should alter their course to the _______.
  28. An _______ on the runway indicates that the runway is closed.
  29. Draw the pavement marking requiring you to stop before entering the runway.
  30. When is dropping objects from an airplane permitted?
    No pilot in command of a civil aircraft may allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight that creates a hazard to persons or property. However, this section does not prohibit the dropping of any object if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property.
  31. The ___________ of two aircraft on approach to the same runway has the right of way.
  32. What must a pilot do before entering Class D airspace?
    Establish communication with the ATC.
  33. What is the minimum safe altitude anywhere? Over congested areas? FAR 91.119
    • Anywhere. An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
    • (b) Over congested areas. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.
    • (c) Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
  34. List the document that must be aboard the aircraft at all times.
    • A – Air worthiness certificate.
    • R – Registration
    • O – Operational limitations (Typically in POH)
    • W – Weights and Balance information.
  35. When must the aircraft’s navigation lights be on? FAR 91.113
    Between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
  36. What are you, as a student pilot, required to have before operating in Class B airspace? FAR 61,95
    Logbook Endorsement from Instructor with appropriate training for class B airspace with specific training in the Class B in question.
  37. What is the minimum reserve fuel required for day VFR operations? FAR 135.2009
    Considering wind and weather to fly to the first point of intended landing and assuming normal cruising fuel consumption, to fly an additional 30 minutes during the day, or an additional 45 minutes for night. 
  38. Vs
    Stall speed 44 kts
  39. Vs0
    Stall speed in landing configuration 33 kts
  40. Vx
    Best Angle of climb (surface to 10K) 60/65 kts
  41. Vy
    Best Rate of climb (surface to 10K) 76/71
  42. Va
    Max maneuvering speed in kts: 99@ 2400 lbs. 92 @ 2000 lbs
  43. Vfe
    Max flap extended speed: 110 kts @ 10%, 85 kts at 20-30%
  44. Vno
    Max structural cruising speed 127 kias
  45. Vne
    Never exceed speed 158 kias
  46. What is the airplane’s best glide speed? POH 3-3
    65 KIAS
  47. State the procedure for engine failure. POH 3-4
    • Fly the plane
    • Trim for best glide
    • Look for landing spot
    • Carb heat on
    • Mixture Rich
    • Ignition Both
    • Prime in and locked
  48. List the procedure to respond to an engine fire on the ground while starting.
    If cranking engine, continue cranking. After starting throttle to 1700 rpm for a few minutes. Shutdown and inspect for damage.
  49. List the procedure for lost communications when arriving at an airport with an operating control tower.
    • Enter the pattern at the appropriate angle and location on the down wind leg.
    • Look for lights from the control tower and follow instructions.
  50. What is the procedure for spin recover?
    • Throttle to idle.
    • Ailerons to neutral
    • Full rudder into direction of spin.
    • As soon as applying full rudder, immediately push yoke forward to break the stall.
    • Hold until aircraft stops spinning.
    • Neutralize controls at recovery.
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PreSolo Flight Exam
Presolo exam for student pilots.