Invisible form of radiant energy, cause of ionization, and causes fluorenscence- are all characteristics of what?
Safety precautions sedsigned to prevent unnecessary exposure to x-rays are?
- wearing a film badge
- using protective clothing
- using a gonad shield
- etc.
All of the following are dangers of x-rays except:
A-depress the heart rate
B- depress the hematopoietic system
C-damage the gonads
D- cause leukemia
A- depress the heart rate
Process of aking an x-ray record of blood vessels is?
Radiation therapy in which the radioactive substance is inserted into the body cavity?
Process of using ultrasound as a diagnostic tool is?
process of obtaining pictures of the breast through the use of x-ray is?
One who is skilled in making x-ray records is called?
One who specializes in radiology is called?
An object that permits the passage of radiant energy?
A record produced by ultrasonography is called?
Process of cutting across and producing images of single tissue planes is?
Medical term for pertaining to hair loss?
Light-proof case or holder for x-ray film?
A unit or radioactivity is known as?
A charge or unit of negative electricity that revolves around the nucleus of an atom?
what refers to the skin area of entry for radiation, in radiation therapy?
Combining form cinemato means?
suffix -graphy means?
X-ray record of the gallbladder is called?
Treatment by introducing ions into the body is called?
X-ray record of the kidney and renal pelvis is?
intravenous pyelogram
Radiologic studies are?
Therapeutic and used to treat cancer
a chalky substance mixed with water that patient drinks before a fluoroscopy is called?
Barium sulfate
When having an Upper GI barium swallow is consumed when?
durring exam
Durring and upper GI, patients are "NPO after midnight". what does this mean?
Nothing by mouth after midnight- no food or beverages
When having a Lower GI- barium sulfate contrast is introduced into the colon by an enema, patient should do what the day before the exam?
switch to an all liquid diet the morning before exam
To evacuate barium and aviod constipation, pt should?
drink plenty of fluids after procedure
Geniteurianry system is associated with what?
IVP- intravenous pyelogram
The urinary system consits of?
KUB- Kidnesy, ureters, and bladder
When having a mammography done, pts should not wear what?
any powder or perfumes the day of the exam
How often should women over 40yo have a mammogram done?
every year as long as their in good health
Body scans are known as?
How thick are they?
CT or CAT and 1cm thick
When a pt is turned at an angle to the film plate so the x-ray beam can be directed at areas that would normally be hidden, they are positioned which way?
Physician's office laboratory
Clinic Laboratory Improvement Act: MA's can preform low complexity tests.
A virus can only be viewed with an ecletron ______________
Microscope parts: the Arm supports the _______
eye pieces
the shortest lens and lowest power; objects are 10X larger
Lower Power Field (LPF) objective
Magnifies objects 40X- used for greater detail in viewing specimens?
High Power Field ( HPF) objective
More detail will be obtained when viewing a speciment under a microscope by?
turning the nosepiece to the next higher objective.
3-4 small lenses attached to the revoloving nosepiece are called?
Always _____________ the stage after removing the slide.
Pregnancy testing is based on the presence or absence of which hormone?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
_________ is a means for isolating a disease causing microorganism for identification.
Done to determine which antibiotic to use to treat specfic bacteria.
sensitivity test
A gelatin-like substance that containes nurtrients comparable to human tissue to encourage growth of microorganisms is?