Unit 5 Vocabulary

  1. aghast
    filled with amazement, disgust, fear, or terror adj
  2. ample
    more than enough, large, spacious adj
  3. apparition
    a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance n.
  4. assert
    to declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully v.
  5. cower
    to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame v.
  6. disdain
    • to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; v
    • a feeling of contempt n
  7. epitaph
    a brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone n.
  8. ethical
    having to do with morals, values, right and wrong, in accordance with standards of right conduct, requiring a prescription or purpose adj.
  9. facetious
    humorous, not meant seriously adj
  10. inaudible
    not able to be heard adj
  11. indiscriminate
    without restraint or control; unselective adj
  12. intrigue
    • crafty dealings, underhanded plotting n
    • to form and carry out plots; to puzzle or excite the curiousity v
  13. jurisdiction
    an area of authority or control; the right to administer justice n
  14. plausible
    appearing true, reasonable, or fair adj
  15. plebian
    • common, vulgar; belonging to the lower class adj
    • a common person, member of the lower class adj
  16. prodical
    • wastefully extravagant; lavishly or generously abundant adj
    • one who is wasteful and self-indulgent n.
  17. proximity
    nearness, closeness n
  18. pulverize
    to grind or pound to a powder or dust; to destroy or overcome (as though by smashing into fragments) v
  19. sequel
    that which follows, a result; a result; a literary work or film continuing the story of one written or made earlier n.
  20. volatile
    highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to the gaseous state adj
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Unit 5 Vocabulary
Vocabulary and definitions