Vet Anatomy

  1. What are the parts of a long bone?
    • Two ends: epiphyses
    • Body: diaphysis
  2. What joins the diaphysis to the epiphysis in mature bone?
  3. Name the fibrous covering of bone not covered by articular cartilage.
  4. What is the compact bone surrounding the medullary cavity?
  5. What are the two possible methods of osteogenesis?
    Intramembranous (flat bones) and endochondral (long bones).
  6. In endochondral ossification, where are the centers of ossification located?
    Diaphysis & two epiphyses.
  7. Lengthening of long bones occurs in what area?
    Outer growth plate (epiphyseal side of plate).
  8. What are the two different types of growth plates? Give an example of each.
    Traction (olecranon, calcaneus), Compression (most of the rest)
  9. What is the palpable caudal end of the skull used as a landmark?
    External occipital protuberance
  10. What are the palpable lateral processes just caudal to the skull?
    Wings of the atlas
  11. What part of hyoid apparatus crosses the ventral midline seen in lateral radiographs of the head?
    Basihyoid bone.
  12. What are the enlarged transverse processes that are identifiable in radiographs on the cervical region?
    Sled of sixth cervical vertebrae.
  13. What is usually the 11th thoracic vertebrae with the most vertically oriented spine used as a landmark for back radiographs?
    Anticlinal vertebrae.
  14. What is the dorsal gap between the arches of contiguous vertebral arches used as access points to the vertebral canal for epidurals?
    Interarcuate spaces
  15. What projects laterally from the scapula and is palpable?
    Spine of the scapula
  16. What is the distal end of the spine of the scapula?
  17. What is the ventral part of acromion in the cat?
    Suprahamate process.
  18. What is the origin of the biceps brachii muscle on the scapula that can be fractured?
    Supraglenoid tubercle.
Card Set
Vet Anatomy
SGU Anatomy Quiz 1 cards