
  1. data
    • observation
    • count
    • measurement
    • response (survey)
  2. statistics
    • science of organizing
    • analyzing
    • interpreting
  3. population
    collection of all outcomes, responses, measurements, count
  4. sample
    • representative of "all"
    • subset of the population
    • belong to bigger set
  5. parameter
    • the average (population)
    • greek letters
  6. statistics
    • connected w/sample
    • english letter
  7. 2 main branches of statistics:
    • descriptive
    • inferential
  8. descriptive
    • describing; organizing display of data
    • ex. graphs
  9. inferential
    using a sample to draw a conclusion
  10. qualitative data:
    • ss#; label; attributes
    • non-numeric entries
  11. quantitative data:
    • numerical measurement
    • ex. heights, weight-any measurement
  12. Levels of measurement:
    • nominal level
    • ordinal level
    • interval level
    • ratio level
  13. nominal level:
  14. name; label; quality (fast/slow) qualitative
    *no mathematical computation can be done*
  15. ordinal level:
    • data can be arranged in order or rank qualitative or quantitative
    • differrences are meaningless/not much difference
    • ex. PG; PG-13; R
  16. interval level
    • can be put in order, but there is a meaningful difference quanitative
    • "0" does not mean zero
    • ex. 0 celcius 0 0farenheit
  17. ratio level
    • calculate the ratio quanitative
    • "0" means zero
    • ex. no $ in your account in Mexico means no $ in the US account
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