Plant biology test

  1. What is a leaf primordia and where is it located?
    1) it is the early stages of development 2) they are found where new leaves appear
  2. WOOD =?
    Secondary Xylem tissue
  3. What is a stele?
    What are the 3 types?
    • 1) the central vascular cylinder,inside the cortex, of roots and stems of vascular plants.
    • 2)
  4. What are lactifers? and what is resin canals? Might they be of economic importance?
    1) Lactifers specialized cells or ducts they are extensive branced networks lined with latex secreting cells. 2)found scattered thourhgout the xylem and phloem they secrete resin and found in gyosperms and some tropical flowering plants. 3) they are economically important for making things with rubber, latex and gum.
  5. What is bark? What is it made of? What tissues might you find in bark?
    1) all tissues outside the VC. 2) usually contains alternating layers of crushed phloem and cork cells. 3) cork cells, secondary phloem, and first degree phloem.
  6. what does a tylose do?
    in older vessels/tracheids an adjacent ray cell will grow into the vessel/tracheids through a pit and block off the cell.
  7. What is a ray cell? where are they located? and what are they good for?
    1) they are specialized parenchyma cells to defense against pahogens. 2) In radial section they appear as lat sheets of cells. 3) they help with water storage, lateral conduction of water/sugars.
  8. What can an annual ring tell you?
    can tell you the age of the trees
  9. within an annual ring you find_____and __________?
    earlywood and latewood
  10. what types of secondary tissue is found in stems?
    xylem and phloem
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Plant biology test
some of the stem test questions to study