Ped Nut exam 4 vocab

  1. meal patterns
    guide to inform menu planners which food groups, or components, need to be offered and in what amounts for b, l, s, and snack for infants and children
  2. components
    term used by CACFP to describe food groups; indludes milk, grains/breads, meats/meat alternatives, and f/v
  3. creditable food
    food that meets CACFP guidelines and is eligible for reimbursement
  4. noncreditable foods
    food that does not meet quality standards established by the CACFP and when served in place of a creditable component makes a meal or snack ineligible for reimbursement
  5. traditional food-based menu planning system
    menu planning approach for National School Lunch Program that is similar to the CACFP approach in that specific food groups called components must be offered at mealtimes
  6. nutrient standard menu planning system
    computer-based menu planning approach for the National School Lunch Program that analyzes the specific nutrient content of menu items automatically while menus are being planned; also called NuMenus
  7. Head Start Performance Standards
    federal regulatory guidelines that provide oversight on all aspects of Head Start and Early Head Start Program admistration
  8. commodity foods
    • foods that the federal government has legal authority to purchase from American farmers and distribute to support farm prices.
    • these foods are used to support nutrition assistance programs
  9. whole basic foods
    foods with only one ingredient such as milk; fresh fruits and veggies, dried beans, peas, lentils, whole grains; nuts, eggs,
  10. whole grains
    grains that contain all part of the grain kernal including, bran, edosperm, and germ after grain is milled
  11. refined grains
    grains that have the bran and germ removed during the milling process, which reduces the fiber and nutrient content
  12. enriched grains
    refined grains that have some of the nutrients that were lost during processing, such as B vitamins and iron, added back into them
  13. fortified grains
    grains to which extra nutrients have been added to support the good health of the general population
  14. static menu
    menu on which the items remain the same every day; commonly seen in restaurants and hospitals
  15. cycle menu
    menu that offers new foods every day, is planned for a week or longer, and repeats itself
  16. budget
    plan that designates the financial reserves available for food purchasing, prep, and service of meals
  17. standardized recipes
    recipes that have been tested for quality, accuracy, and yield, which results in a consistent, predictable food products
  18. commercially prepared entree
    processed main course item to which ingredients may have been added
  19. anaphylaxis
    severe, life-threatening reaction that can lead to a drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and death if untreated
  20. contact dermatitis
    rash that occurs when an allergen comes in contact with the skin
  21. type 1 diabetes
    condition that results in the inability of glucose to get from circulatory system or bloodstream into the cell where it can be used as energy
  22. meal plan
    diet guidance tool developed by health care professionals such as dietitians to help children with diabetes and their families know what amount of carbs they should eat and when so that their blood-sugar level stays within an acceptable range
  23. tube feeding
    method of feeding used when eating solid foods is not possible or insufficient in volume to achieve adequate intake
  24. cultural competency
    respectful understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities among groups and the ability to use this understanding to effectively interact with people across cultures
  25. foodborne illness
    an illness caused by eating food that has been contaminated by biological, chemical, or physical contaminants
  26. contamination
    occurs when something hazardous to health is present in food or drink
  27. biological hazards
    living microorganisms that contaminated food and cause foodborne illness
  28. chemical hazards
    unnatural chemicals that are present in foods and pose a health risk when consumed
  29. physical hazards
    items that fall into foods that may cause injury or illness
  30. cross-contamination
    the transfer of harmful microorganisms from one food to another food or food to from an infected person to food. it can also refer to food contaminated with an allergen
  31. hazard and analysis critical control point (HACCP) systems
    a proactive food safety system that identifies potentially hazardous foods and evaluates food safety risk during food preparation and service
  32. potentially hazardous foods
    foods that readily support the growth of microorganisms that cause spoilage or illness if food safety practices are not in place
  33. process approach
    the process of grouping menu items by the method of food prep into three different processes that are distinguished by the number of times the food item goes through the food temperature danger zone
  34. no-cook process
    food is not cooked and does not enter the temperature danger zone
  35. same-day service process
    good is heated and served the same day and goes through the temperature danger zone only once
  36. complex food preparation process
    food is cooked, chilled, and reheated, going through the temperature danger zone two or more times
  37. temperature danger zone
    temperature range between 41 and 135 degrees at which microorganisms such as bacteria are likely to grow
  38. critical control points (CCPs)
    points in time during food processing, preparation, and service at which control can be exerted to minimize the development of a food hazard risk
  39. critical limit (CL)
    an indicator used to establish whether or not the control measure identified for a critical control point is actually controlling the food safety risk. critical limits must be measurable, accurate, realistic, and based on evidence-based research.
  40. food code
    food safety model developed by the USDA and FDA to be used by state and county regulatory agencies to develop rules to prevent foodborne illness
  41. corrective action plan
    a plan of action that must be taken immediately if a lapse occurs in the critical limits established for a critical control point of a menu item
  42. verification procedures
    procedures used to determine if a HACCP system is working effectively; can include a review of records, inspections, and so forth
  43. standard operating procedures (SOPs)
    written procedures related to food service tasks to help to maintain food safety
  44. first in, first out (FIFO)
    inventory system in which foods that were previously purchased are rotated and newly purchased foods are stored such that older foods are used first
  45. cleaning
    removal of dirt, grime, and food particles using soap and water and friction with the goal of reducing risk of biological, physical, and chemical contamination
  46. sanitizing
    process used to reduce the risk of contamination by reducing microorganisms to safe levels by heat or sanitizing solutions
  47. food defense
    practice of ensuring that foods are not tampered with or intentionally contaminated as an act of terrorism
Card Set
Ped Nut exam 4 vocab
chapters 7-8