
  1. blood
    Fluid circulated by the heart through a closed system of vessels.
  2. bone
    Connective tissue having protein fibers and a hard matrix of inorganic salts, notably calcium salts.
  3. cardiac muscle
    Striated, involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.
  4. cardiovascular system
    Organ system in which blood vessels distribute blood under the pumping action of the heart.
  5. cartilage
    Connective tissue in which the cells lie within lacunae embedded in a flexible, proteinaceous matrix.
  6. columnar epithelium
    Type of epithelial tissue in which the cells are rectangular with the nuclei typically located at the bottom of each cell.
  7. compact bone
    Type of bone that contains osteons consisting of concentric layers of matrix and osteocytes in lacunae.
  8. connective tissue
    Type of animal tissue that binds structures together, provides support and protection, fills spaces, stores fat, and forms blood cells; adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood are types of connective tissue.
  9. cuboidal epithelium
    Type of epithelial tissue in which the cells are cube-shaped.
  10. dense fibrous connective tissue
    Type of connective tissue containing many collagen fibers packed together; found in tendons and ligaments, for example.
  11. digestive system
    Organ system that includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (colon) that receives food and digests it into nutrient molecules. Also has associated organs: teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
  12. endocrine system
    Organ system involved in the coordination of body activities; uses hormones as chemical signals secreted into the bloodstream.
  13. epithelial tissue
    Tissue that lines hollow organs and covers surfaces.
  14. fibroblast
    Connective tissue cell that synthesizes fibers and ground substance.
  15. homeostasis
    Maintenance of normal internal conditions in a cell or an organism by means of self-regulating mechanisms.
  16. hyaline cartilage
    Cartilage whose cells lie in lacunae separated by a white translucent matrix containing very fine collagen fibers.
  17. immune system
    All the cells in the body that protect the body against foreign organisms and substances and also against cancerous cells.
  18. integumentary system
    Organ system consisting of skin and various organs, such as hair, which are found in skin.
  19. intercalated disk
    Region that holds adjacent cardiac muscle cells together; disks appear as dense bands at right angles to the muscle striations.
  20. lacuna
    Small pit or hollow cavity, as in bone or cartilage, where a cell or cells are located.
  21. ligament
    Tough cord or band of dense fibrous tissue that binds bone to bone at a joint.
  22. loose fibrous connective tissue
    Tissue composed mainly of fibroblasts widely separated by a matrix containing collagen and elastic fibers.
  23. lumen
    Cavity of a tubular organ.
  24. lymphatic system
    Organ system consisting of lymphatic vessels and lymphatic organs; transports lymph and lipids, and aids the immune system.
  25. matrix
    Unstructured semifluid substance that fills the space between cells in connective tissues or inside organelles.
  26. muscle tissue
    Type of animal tissue composed of fibers that shorten and lengthen to produce movements.
  27. muscular system
    System of muscles that produces movement, both within the body and of its limbs; principal components are skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.
  28. negative feedback
    Mechanism of homeostatic response by which the output of a system suppresses or inhibits activity of the system.
  29. nerve
    Bundle of long axons outside the central nervous system.
  30. nervous system
    Organ system consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and associated nerves that coordinates the other organ systems of the body.
  31. nervous tissue
    Tissue that contains nerve cells (neurons), which conduct impulses, and neuroglia, which support, protect, and provide nutrients to neurons.
  32. neuroglia
    Nonconducting nerve cells that are intimately associated with neurons and function in a supportive capacity.
  33. neuron
    Nerve cell that characteristically has three parts: dendrites, cell body, and an axon.
  34. organ
    Combination of two or more different tissues performing a common function.
  35. platelet
    Formed element in blood that is necessary to blood clotting.
  36. red blood cell
    Erythrocyte; contains hemoglobin and carries oxygen from the lungs or gills to the tissues in vertebrates.
  37. reproductive system
    Organ system that contains male or female organs and specializes in the production of offspring.
  38. respiratory system
    Organ system consisting of the lungs and tubes that bring oxygen into the lungs and take carbon dioxide out.
  39. skeletal muscle
    Striated, voluntary muscle tissue that comprises skeletal muscles; also called striated muscle.
  40. skeletal system
    System of bones, cartilage, and ligaments that works with the muscular system to protect the body and provide support for locomotion and movement.
  41. smooth (visceral) muscle
    Nonstriated, involuntary muscles found in the walls of internal organs.
  42. squamous epithelium
    Type of epithelial tissue in which the cells are flattened.
  43. striated
    Having bands; in cardiac and skeletal muscle, alternating light and dark bands produced by the distribution of contractile proteins.
  44. tendon
    Strap of fibrous connective tissue that connects skeletal muscle to bone.
  45. tissue
    Group of similar cells combined to perform a common function.
  46. tissue fluid
    Fluid that surrounds the body's cells; consists of dissolved substances that leave the blood capillaries by filtration and diffusion.
  47. urinary system
    Organ system consisting of the kidneys and urinary bladder; rids the body of nitrogenous wastes and helps regulate the water-salt balance of the blood.
  48. white blood cell
    Leukocyte, of which there are several types, each having a specific function in protecting the body from invasion by foreign substances and organisms.
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