To run off and hide.
Approach or admittance to places, persons, things; an increase;(v) to get at, obtain
A lack of government and law; confusion
In the final days of a war, civilians may find themselves living in Anarchy.
Hard to do, requiring much effort.
No matter how much Jennifer's mother tries to get Jenny to do her work, it is always an Arduous attempt!!!
No matter how hard you plan for it, moving to a new home is an Arduous chore!!!!
Favorable; fortunate
My parents describe the day that they first met as a most Auspicious occasion.
When My mother had me she described as being the most Auspicious event in her life!
Favoring one side unduly; prejudiced.
Athletes in certain sports may complain that judges are biased toward particular competitors.
Some teachers seem biased towards certain favorite students... especially when the student they are teaching is their own child!
To overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage.
Despite all its inherent dangers, space flight did not daunt the Mercury program astronauts.
Those bullies don't Daunt me one bit!!! Bring them on! I got something for them!
To free from tangles
Rescuers worked for hours to disentangle a whale from the fishing net wrapped around its jaws.
determined in advance by destiny or fortune.
The tragic outcome of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is fated from the play's very first scene.
It was fated that me and you father met! It was already destined by advance in the fortune...
To mislead by a trick, deceive
- Many people feel that they were hoodwinked into certain deals... especially the blacks when they were promised their 40 acres and a mule after slavery and never got it to this day...
- They say that they were very mislead, hoodwinked, bamboozled, let amuck, led astray by the government.
Not having life; without energy or spirit.
Although fossils are inanimate, they hold many clues to life on earth millions of years ago.
After the crime scene was investigated by the detectives, the inanimate bodies were taken to the morgue.
To burn to ashes.
Because of environmental concerns, many cities and towns no longer incinerate their garbage.
Very Brave, fearless, unshakable
Jenny is very Intrepid at times, and at other times she is a coward... lol
Someone who steals property that is worth thousands of dollars commits grand LARCENY:!!!
Bending readily; easily influenced
Moesha was very Pliant when it came to her friend Britany and she did whatever Britany told her to do..
The pliant branches of the sapling sagged but did not break under the weight of the heavy snow.
Overly self important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious.
Political cartoonists like nothing better than to mock pompous public officials.
Stop acting like you're pompous man! you eat and breathe just like the rest of us do!
A very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster.
During the Cuban missile crisis, the world hovered on the precipice of a nuclear war!!!
At one time, when the world trade towers were blown up by terrorists the world feared that more harm would come, and that the US was on the precipice of a war!
To make right
Demetrius better Rectify himself with my daughter or else he is gonna pay for being so immature!
You better rectify that problem!
A temporary relief or delay. .. To grant a postponement.
A vacation is a kind of reprieve from the cares and responsibilities of everyday life...
A judge may reprieve a first time offender from jail time until the sentencing hearing happens.
To attack with words, call bad names.
At Jenny's old school sometimes the girls that were ignorant would Revile Jennifer! But her friend Alexis Moore had her back from the REVILE!