Medical Terminology OFT 140

  1. Adrenalectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of adrenal gland
  2. Hypophysectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of pituitary gland
  3. Pancreatectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of pancreas
  4. Parathyroidectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of parathyroid gland
  5. Thymectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of thymus gland
  6. Thyroidectomy
    • operative term
    • - excision of thyroid gland
  7. Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII), Insulin Pump Therapy
    • therapeutic term
    • - use of an insulin device worn on the body (usually the abdomen) that subcutaneously infuses doses of insulin programmed according to the individual needs of the diabetic patient
  8. Radioiodine Therapy
    • therapeutic term
    • - use of radioactive iodine to treat disease, such as to eradicate thyroid tumor cells
  9. Antihypoglycemic
    drug that raises blood glucose
  10. Antithyroid Durg
    • agent that blocks the production of thyroid hormones
    • - use: to treat hyperthyroidism
  11. Hormone Replacement
    drug that replaces a hormone deficiency
  12. Hypoglycemic
    drug that lowers blood glucose (insulin)
  13. Antihyperglycemic
    drug that lowers blood glocuse (insulin)
  14. ATCH
    adrenocorticotropic hormone
  15. ADH
    antidiuretic hormone
  16. BS
    blood sugar
  17. CO2
    carbon dioxide
  18. CSII
    continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
  19. CT
    computed tomography
  20. DKA
    diabetic ketoacidosis
  21. DM
    diabetes mellitus
  22. FBS
    fasting blood sugar
  23. FSH
    follicle-stimulating hormone
  24. GH
    growth hormone
  25. GTT
    glucose tolerance test
  26. LH
    luteinizing hormorne
  27. MRI
    magnetic resonance imaging
  28. MSH
    melanocyte-stimulating hormone
  29. PPBS
    postprandial blood sugar
  30. PTH
    parathyroid hormone
  31. T3
  32. T4
  33. TSH
    thyroid-stimulating hormone
Card Set
Medical Terminology OFT 140
Operative Terms; Therapeutic Terms; Common Drug Classifications; Acronyms/Abbreviations