Radiology chapter thirty

  1. indicative of a benign, slow-growing process
    unilocular corticated lesion
  2. may represent either a benign or a malignant process
    unilocular noncorticated lesion
  3. odontogenic keratocyst
    central gian cell granuloma
    are all examples of?
    multilocular lesions
  4. periapical cyst
    is an example of?
    a periapical radiolucency
  5. lateral periodontal cyst
    is an example of?
    a radiolucent lesion seen in a inter-radicular location
  6. dentigerous cyst
    is an example of?
    a radiolucent lesion seen in a pericoronal location
  7. periodontal disease
    systemic illnesses such as: diabetes, histiocytosis X, and leukemia
    malignant neoplasms
    are examples of things that cause?
    alveolar bone loss
  8. benign cementoblastoma
    is an example of?
    radiopaque target lesion
  9. osteitis deformans
    florid osseous dysplasia
    fibro-osseous disorders
    are examples of?
    multifocal confluent radiopaque lesions
  10. osteosarcoma
    are examples of?
    irregular, ill-defined radiopaque lesions
  11. fibrous dysplasia
    osteitis deformans
    are examples of?
    ground-glass or orange-peel appearance
  12. often represents calcifying tumors
    compound odontoma
    mixed lucent-opaque lesion
  13. sialolith (salivary stone)
    calcified lymph node
    are examples of?
    soft tissue opacity
  14. benign cementoblastoma
    is an example of?
    radiopaque lesion in periapical location
  15. sclerotic bone
    is an example of?
    radiopaque lesion located in the inter-radicular location
  16. adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
    is an example of?
    a radiopaque lesion located in the pericoronal area
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Radiology chapter thirty