Radiology week ten

  1. different terms used to describe the appearance, location, and size of a lesion
    descriptive terminology
  2. T or F. descriptive terminology should be used for ALL lesions viewed radiographically.
  3. T or F. descriptive terminology allows dental professionals to describe and discuss what is seen on a dental radiograph intelligently and to communicate using a common languae, and elliminates the chance for miscommunication.
  4. it is crucial to document everything for legal reasons. if there is no notation of interpretation in the patient record, there is no documentation that the films were reviewed.
    both statements are true
  5. Is describing a lesion the same as making a diagnosis? Why?
    no, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to diagnos from a radiograph alone
  6. _____________allows the dental hygienist to describe what is seen on a radiograph without implying a diagnosis.
    descriptive terminology
  7. What are 5 other factors along with radiographs that must be considered with a diagnosis?
    • medical and dental history
    • clinical findings
    • patient signs and symptoms
    • laboratory tests
    • biopsy results
  8. an image that is produced on photosensitive film by exposing the film to x-rays and then processing th film so that a negative is produced
  9. T or F. the term radiograph and x-ray are synonymous.
  10. a beam of energy that has the power to penetrate substances and to record shadow images on photographic film
  11. refers to a portion of a processed radiograph that is dark or black. These structures lack density and permit the passage of the x-ray beam with little or no resistance; image is black or dark on a film
  12. What are 5 structures that appear radiolucent on a radiograph?
    • dental caries
    • air spaces
    • soft tissues
    • dental pulp
    • periodontal ligament space
  13. refers to that portion of a processed radiograph that appears light or white, these structures are dense and absorb or resist the passage of the x-ray beam
  14. what are 4 structures that appear radiopaque on a radiograph?
    • metallic restorations
    • enamel
    • dentin
    • bone
  15. a lesion that permits the passage of the x-ray beam and represents a destruction of bone or a space-occupying entity within the bones of the jaws
    radiolucent lesion
  16. the appearance of most radiolucent lesions can be classified as either__________or____________
    • unilocular
    • mustilocular
  17. What are 3 categories of describing lesions?
    • appearance
    • location
    • size
  18. refers to a radiolucent lesion that exhibits one compartment, they tend to be small and nonexpansible, and have borders that may appear corticated or noncorticated on a radiograph
  19. a unilocular radiolucent lesion that exhibits a thin, well demarcated radiopaque rim of bone at the periphery
    unilocular corticated lesion
  20. what is a unilocular corticated lesion usually indicative of?
    a benign, slow-growing process
  21. a unilocular lesion that does not exhibit a thin radiopaque rim of bone at the periphery, instead, it appears fuzzy or poorly defined
    a unilocular lesion with noncorticated border
  22. What does a radiolucent unilocular lesion with noncirticated borders, ill-defined or irregular margins, represent?
    either a benign or malignant process
  23. refers to a lesion that exhibits multiple radiolucent compartments, it is larger than a lesion with one compartment
  24. multilocular lesions typically exhibit a_______________,_____________ margins.
    • well-defined
    • corticated
  25. expansile and displace buccal and lingual bone, usually benign and may show aggressive growth
    mltilocular radiolucent lesions
  26. what are 3 examples of multilocular radiolucent lesions?
    • odontogenic keratocyst
    • ameloblastoma
    • central giant cell granuloma
  27. refers to a radiolucent lesion located around the apex of a tooth, a common radiolucency here is a _____________cyst seen secondary to pulpal necrosis
  28. refers to a lesion located between the roots of adjacent teeth, an example of a radiolucent lesion one would expect to find here is the lateral periodontal cyst
  29. refers to an area without teeth and a variety of radiolucent lesions may occur here
    edentulous zone
  30. refers to a radiolucent lesion located around the crown of an impacted tooth, a dentigerous cyst is an example of a radiolucent lesion seen here
  31. refers to loss of bone in the maxilla or mandible that surrounds and supports the teeth. It appears radiolucent, and is seen with periodontal disease, systemic illnesses such as diabetes, histiocytosis X, and leukemia. Malignant neoplasms may also cause this
    alveolar bone loss
  32. radiolucent lesions can vary in size from several_____________in diameter to several_______________in diameter, and often the size of the lesion dictates the type of_____________necessary.
    • millimeters
    • centimeters
    • treatment
  33. Structures that resist the passage of the x-ray beam and appear radiopaque include:
    • osseous tissue
    • cartilage
    • enamel
    • dentin
    • cementum
  34. true or false. Radiopaque lesions can occur in soft tissue as well as in bone.
  35. refers to a well defined localized radiopaque lesion on a radiograph, condensing osteitis is an example of this
    focal opacity
  36. refers to a well-defined localized radiopaque area surrounded by a uniform radiolucent halo, a benign cementoblastoma is an example of this
    target lesion
  37. a radiopaque pattern the is multiple radiopacities that appear to overlap or flow together, examples are osteitis deformans, and florid osseous dysplasia, and benign fibro-osseous disorders if it is involving multiple quadrants
    multifocal confluent radiopaque lesions
  38. a radiopacity that exhibits a poorly defined pattern and may represent a malignant condition, examples include; osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma
    irregular ill-defined radiopacities
  39. a granular or pebbled radiopacity that resembles pulverized glass, disseases such as fibrous dysplasia, osteitis deformans, and osteopetrosis may exhibit this appearance
    ground-glass radiopaque lesion
  40. this lesion exhibits both a radiopaque and a radiolucent component, and often represent calcifying tumors, they appear as a radiolucent area with central opaque flecks or calcifications, an example is a compound odontoma
    mixed lucent-opaque lesion
  41. appears as a well-defined radiopaque area located in soft tissue; examples ar a sialolith (salivary stone) or a calcified lymph node
    soft tissue opacity
  42. what is an example of a periapical radiopacity?
    benign cementoblastoma
  43. what is an example of an inter-radicular radiopaque lesion?
    sclerotic bone
  44. what is an example of a radiopaque lesion in an edentulous zone?
    complex odontoma
  45. What is an example of a radiopaque lesion found in the pericoronal location?
    adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
Card Set
Radiology week ten
descriptiptive terminology