radiology week ten

  1. what is the importance of radiographic interpretation?
    to detect diseases, lesions, and conditions of the teeth and jaws that cannot be identified clinically. And also to benefit the patient
  2. define the roles of each member of the dental team in the interpretation of dental radiographs:
    a. dentist
    b. dental hygienist
    c. dental radiographer (hygienist and sometimes assistant)
    • a. dentist: establishes a diagnosis, and focuses on specific problems or areas of concern on radiographs in the education to patients
    • b. dental hygienist: interpret radiographs, and educate the patient by identifying and discussing what is normally found on a dental radiograph
    • c. dental radiographer: acts as an additional pair of eyes examinig the film, and can direct the attention of the dentist to areas of question or concern
  3. What is the difference between interpretation and diagnosis?
    • interpretation is an explanation of what is viewed on a film
    • a diagnosis is the identification of disease by examination or analysis
  4. What members of the dental team can interpret dental radiographs?
    • dentist
    • dental hygienist
    • dental assistant - only if they have been adequately trained to
  5. when and where are dental radiographs interpretted?
    right after mounting, and infront of the patient
  6. T or F. all radiographs must be carefully reviewed and interpretted.
  7. T or F. Any dental professional with training in interpretation can examine films
  8. T or F. the amount and scope of training recieved dictate whether radiographic interpretation can be performed by the dental assistant.
  9. T or F. the terms interpretation and diagnosis can be used synonymously.
  10. T or F. any dental professional can render a diagnosis.
  11. T or F. dental radiographs should not be interpretted in the presence of a patient.
  12. T or F. there are no specific guidelines about when and where dental radiographs should be interpretted.
  13. T or F. the dental radiographer can educate the patient by identifying and discussing what is normally found on a radiograph
  14. T or F. all members of the dental team can work together using radiographic interpretation to educate patients about the importance and use of dental radiographs
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radiology week ten