O Lecture 10/27/10

  1. definition primary production
    OM synthesized from inorganic substances
  2. definition of photosynthesis
    producing OM from carbon dioxide and water using light energy
  3. What does photsynthesis consumer and produce
    • Consumes Carbon dioxide
    • produces Oxygen
  4. What limits primary production int he oceans?
    most common - light and nutrients
  5. definition of photos
  6. definition of euphotic zone
    • rarely deeper than 100 m
    • photosynthesis takes places
  7. definition disphotic
    • 100-1000 m
    • small, but measureable quantities of light
  8. definition of PAR
    • photsynthetic active radiation
    • 440-700 nanometers
    • makes plants grow
  9. How energy remains at 100 meters compared to what falls on the surface
  10. What are the major nutrients
    • Carbon
    • Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonium
    • Phosphate
    • Silicate
  11. What is the redfield ration
    • C:N:P
    • 106:16:1
  12. Who came up with the law of the minimum?
    Justus von Liebeig
  13. Law of the minimum
    phytoplankton growth is determined by the response of phytoplankton to the single factor that is most limiting
  14. Where do nutrients come from
    • continents
    • weathering
    • farm fertilizers - runoff
    • waste water treatment plants
  15. definition respiration
    • consume oxygen
    • produce carbon dioxide
    • regnerate nutrients
  16. What is the vertical distribution of nutrients?
    • deleated in the surface water
    • abundant in deep water
  17. how much more inorganic carbon in the global ocean than in the atmosphere
    50 x
  18. Solubility pump
    amount of carbon dioxide depends on how cold, how fast coming to the surface, and where it is located
  19. The biological pump
    • through animals and organic
    • sequesterd
    • combines biologica processes which transfer organic mater and associated elements to depth
    • pathway for rapid c sequestion
  20. What controls carbon export
    • an inverted peramid
    • c uptake
    • c flux - 100m - 5-15% - decades
    • C flux - 1000m - 1% - centuries
    • c burrial - .1% - millenium
  21. is the ocean an overall sink or source of carbon dioxide
    • sink
    • location of sinks and sources is not uniform
  22. What elements control algal production
    • tempurature
    • light
    • nutrients
    • grazing
    • micronutrients
  23. HNLC area
    High nutrient low chlorophyll area
  24. What proves that Fe and Zn are limiting micronturutrients
Card Set
O Lecture 10/27/10
Primary Production