exam 5.txt

  1. job descriptions
    "the most a jobholder does, how the job is done and why it is done"
  2. job specifications
    min requirements for the job (ksao)
  3. KSAO
    "knowledge(education/skills test), skills (exp or physcal), abilities (intelligence, strenght, lifting), other (height, personality)"
  4. recruitment
    "locating, attracting qualified candidates (internal, ads, referals, interntet)"
  5. selection
    screening and making the selection.
  6. test requirements
    "reliability(accurate and reliable results on consistent basis), valid (test things that are actually needed for the job)"
  7. internal recruiting
    "improves employee morale, motivation, reduces employer time and cost."
  8. how to narrow the selection
    "applications and resumes, references and background checks, tests, interviews"
  9. ability tests
    "physical, cognitive, psychomotor, and sensory-perceptive"
  10. background tests/reference checks
    33% inaccurate. Not very valid
  11. truths vs myths about lying
    stress doesn�t equal lie. Get baseline and variations from basline can be used.
  12. standard interview
    7% accuracy
  13. resume analysis
    "37%- ""scientific"" resume evaluation with a graded rubric of criteria"
  14. work sample
    44%-pen and paper knowledge and/or abilities test
  15. assessmenmt center
    "44% lengthy, off site, skills/abilities/ personality testing"
  16. situational interview
    54% mock scenarios
  17. "wahoo video why internal, and how they train"
    higher employee motivation and lower time and cost/single sheet employee manual for every job
  18. types of training
    "inpart information and knowledge, develop analytical and problem solving skills, change job behaviors"
  19. impart information and knowledge
    "films and videos, lectures and reading"
  20. analytic and problem solving development
    case studies coaching and group discussions.
  21. objective perfromance measures (best method)
    "quantifiable(productivity, customer ratings, how often they perform behaviors)"
  22. subjective performance measures.
    rate on a behavioral observation scales (bos). 1-5 on how well they did performance
  23. types of rating errors.
    "central tendency(all workers average), halo error(person scores same for all parts of test), leniency error (all high scores) training raters helps reduce errors"
  24. merit increases
    perks for above average perfromance
  25. spot awards
    awards give spontaniously on the spot for great perfromance
  26. earning at risk plans
    % of pay held until goals met and bonus if exceeds goal
  27. cafeteria benefits
    make your own benefits package
  28. cost of benefits
    50% of employer payroll goes into paying employee benefits
  29. union memebership
    about 14% today vs 35% in 1945
  30. degree of financial leverage
    • change in eps. =dfl = ebit
    • change in ebit ebit-I
  31. after tax cost of debt
    =kb (1-T)
  32. coefficient of variation
    • standard of diviation
    • expected return
  33. sml-security market line
    • kx= krf + (km-krf)B
    • kx-required return
    • krf-risk free rate
    • km-market rate
    • b-beta
  34. marketing mix
    • product, price,promotion, place and people
  35. three types of discrepancies
    quantity, assortment and temporal
  36. discrepancy ofquantity
    firms can only be efficient when producing mass quantities
  37. discrepancy of assortment
    Not being able to buy everything or even enough of what you need in one place.
  38. spatial discrepancy
    problems due to location
  39. temporal discrepancy
    product is produced but consumer isnt ready to buy it
  40. strategin channel alliance
    team with another manufacturer's resourses and use them to channel your product( pepsi bottling and disributing starbucks products)
  41. channel power
    when one channel can "bully" another because of its place in the market
  42. channel conflict
    when both parties in a channel feel that they deserve the right to control the other due to their place in the market
  43. horizontal conflict
    members of channels on the same level(two different retailers) feel that they are getting unfair treatment compared to the other
  44. vertical conflict
    heathy kind between whole saler and retailer for example
  45. push money
    incentive to sales person from manufacturer to recommend their products over others for a cash bonus per sale
  46. advertising vs promoting
    advertising-reason to buy(get people to buy your tv) promotion incentive to buy(get people to buy your tv over another tv)
  47. trade allowance
    give free merch instead of a price discount.
  48. premium
    bonus item to persuade the purchase(toy in bottom of cereal)
  49. country factors
    • government
    • culture
    • market location
    • labor
    • suppliers
  50. regional
    • corporate desires
    • labor cost/availibilty
    • utilities
    • enviornment regulations
    • land constructions costs
    • proximity to raw materials
  51. site factors
    • size and cost
    • transportation
    • zoning
    • services and suppliers
    • environment impact issues
  52. center of gravity method
    • sum of {(quntity of goods)(x cordinate)}
    • sum of quantity of goods
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exam 5.txt
ubus exam 5