Advertising 3

  1. Newspaper: Advantages
    • Good for new announcements
    • Good market coverage
    • Good for comparison shopping
    • Positive consumer attitudes
    • Good to reach educated and affluent consumers
    • Flexibility--geographic; scheduling
  2. Newspaper: Limitations
    • Short life span
    • Clutter
    • Limited reach for certain groups
    • Poor Production values
  3. Magazine: Advantages
    • High production values
    • Selective audience
    • Receptive audience
    • Long life span
    • Format encourages creativity
    • Good for brand messages
    • Good for complex or in-depth messages
  4. Magazine: Limitations
    • Long Lead times-limited flexiblity
    • Lack of immediacy
    • High cost
    • Sometimes limited distribution
  5. Directory: Advantages
    • Inexpensive
    • Food ROI of 1:15
    • Flexible in size, colors, formats
    • Long life
  6. Directory: Limitations
    • Lack of flexiblity-can be long time before a change can be made
    • Competitive clutter and look-alike ads
    • Low production quality
  7. Outdoor: Advantages
    • Good situational medium
    • Directional
    • Brand reminder medium
    • High-impact--larger than life
    • Least exppensive
    • Long life
  8. Outdoor: Limitations
    • Traffic moves quickly
    • Can't handle complex messages-designs must be simple
    • May be easy to miss (depending on location)
    • Some criticize outdoor ads "polluting" the landscape
    • Transit lacks the size advantage of other outdoor media
  9. Packaging: Advantages
    • Stimulates point-of-purchase decision making
    • Last ad a consumer sees
    • In-home is brand reminder on shelf
    • Billboarding effect can dominate shelf
    • Reinforces brand advertising
    • Delivers product information
  10. Packaging: Limitations
    • Cluttered environment
    • Shelf space may be limited
    • Can get inconvenient placement-such as bottom shelf
    • Limited space needs simple message
  11. Television: Advantages
    • High-impact--sight, sound, motion
    • Reach
    • Local & National
    • Targeted cable channels
  12. Television: Limitations
    • Broad audience
    • High production cost
    • Intrusive
    • Messages are short-lived
  13. Internet: Advantages
    • Mass & addressable
    • Personalized
    • Extremely low cost
    • Can be interactive
  14. Internet: Limitations
    • Clutter
    • Limited reach
    • Limited creative options
  15. Media multitasking
    People using more than one media at a time
  16. $$$ spent on advertising media
    $245 billion in spending
  17. Media Plan
    A decision process leading to the use of advertising time and space to assist in the achievement of marketing objectives
  18. Media Mix
    Selecting the best combination of media vehicles, nontraditional media, and marketing communication tools to reach the targeted stakeholder audiences
  19. Media vehicle
    A single program, magazine, or radio station
  20. Impression
    In media planning, on person's opportunity to be exposed to an advertising message
  21. Circulation
    # of copies sold
  22. Gross Impressions
    The sum of the audiences of all the media vehicles used within a designated time span
  23. Reach
    The percentage of different homes or people exposed to a media vehicle or vehicles at least once during a specific period of time. It is the % of unduplicated audience
  24. Frequency
    The number of times an audience has an opportunity to be exposed to a media vehicle or vehicles in a specified time span
  25. Engagement
    Ad that gets and holds the attention of its audience
  26. How big $ is the newspaper industry?
    59 billion dollar industry
  27. 2 Major National papers
    • Wall Street Journal
    • USA Today
  28. Top national advertisers in newspapers
    • SBC communications
    • Verizon
    • Federated Dept Stores
    • GM
  29. Newspaper Basics:
    Types of Circulation
    • Subscription=Copies delievered to individuals and companies that sign up to revieve the pulication over a specified time for a certain fee.
    • Single Copy Sales=Copies sold at newsstands
    • 3rd Party=Copies bought by hotels, resturants, and airlines that are distributed to guests
  30. Newspaper Basics:
    Frequency of Publication
    • Dailies= about 1,500 dailies in the US, usually published in cities, and larger towns. More than 53 million in circulation with avg. of 2.3 readers per copy
    • Weeklies= about 6,700 serving towns, suburbs, and smaller cities; includes penny savers
    • Sunday Editions= publish about 30% of dailies and a few weeklies w/combined circulation of 55 million and an average of 2.6 readers per copy.
    • Business or Organization Newspapers= May be published weekly, monthly, quarterly, bimonthly (every other), or semimonthly (2x a month)
  31. Newspaper Basics:
    • Morning=Yesterday's events, advance coverage of today's events
    • Evening=Today's events (through midday) and advance stories for tomorrow
    • All-day=Frequent updates with different editions published during the day
    • Special Interest= Ethnic and upscale neighborhoods by zip code.
  32. Newspaper Basics:
    Fomat and Size
    • Broadsheet=standard size generally 22'' deep and 14'' wide with 8 columns
    • Tabloid=half the size of a broadsheet with 5 or 6; 2'' columns
  33. Standard Advertising Unit (SAU)
    A standardized system of advertising sizes in newspapers
  34. 3 types of advertising in newspapers
    • Classified Ads=Commerical ads arranged in the newspaper according to the interests of readers
    • Displayed Ads=Sponsored messages that can be of any size and location within the paper, except the editioral page
    • Supplemental Insert=syndicated or local full color advertising inserts that appear in newspapers throughout the week
  35. How many American adults read at least one magazine each month?
    92% of all americans
  36. Vertical publication
    stories and information about an entire industry
  37. Horizontal publication
    deals with a business fuction; ie Direct Marketing
  38. Bleed page
    color exend to the edge of the paper
  39. Gutter
    the white space running between the inside edges of the pages, meaning no words can run through the gutter and that all body text is on one side or the other
  40. Gatefold
    Ad that folds onto itself
  41. Painted Bulletin
    created on site, usually 14 x 28 feet in size
  42. Showings
    the standard unit for space sales based on the opportunity a person has to see a particular outdoor board.
  43. Broadcast media
    media such as radium television and interactive meadia which transmit sounds or images electronically
  44. Signals
    a series of electriacl impluses used to transmit radio and television broadcasting
  45. Public Radio
    a network of radio stations that use public broadcasting material usally provied by NPR (national Public radio)
  46. 4 types of radio forms
    • Cable Radio=uses cable television recievers to deliever static-free music (subscribers)
    • Satellite Radio= deliver your favorite radio stations regardless of where you are in the US via satellite
    • Low Power FM=nonprofit non commerical stations that serve a small market (college radio)
    • Web Radio=audio streaming via a website
  47. Radio Listener Segments
    • Station Fans=loyal to specific station; largest segment of radio listeners
    • Radio Fans=1/3 of the listeners
    • Music Fans=are most likely to be men b/w 25-45
    • News Fans=smaller % of radio listeners who choose their stations based on a need for news and information
  48. Dayparts
    • Morning Drive Time= 6-10am
    • Mid-Day= 10am-3pm
    • Evening Drive Time= 3-7pm
    • Evening= 7pm-midnight
    • Late Night= midnight-6am
  49. Network
    national networks send out programming and advertising to affiliates
  50. Spot Radio
    Ads are with an individual radio station rather than the network
  51. Syndicated Radio Advertising
    high-quality, specialized, and original programming
  52. Radio timing
    catching the most listeners during commutes
  53. Broadcast Network
    exists when 2 + stations are able to broadcast the same program that originates from a single source
  54. Primetime
    programming on tv that runs b/w the hours of 8pm-11pm
  55. Affiliates
    a station that contracts with a national network to carry newtork originated programming during part of its schedule
  56. Cable TV
    A form of subscription tv that the singlas are carried to households by a cable
  57. Satellite TV
    Subscription tv programming delivered by satellite to locations with satellite dishes
  58. Superstations
    Independent but high-power tv stations
  59. Network Cable
    cable scheduling that runs commericals across an entire subscriber group simultaneously
  60. Independent stations
    Local stations unaffiliated with a national network
  61. Local Cable
    cable scheduling that allows advertisers to show their commercials to highly restricted geographic audiences through interconnects
  62. public Television
    station ran on donations not commericals
  63. New Technology
    • Interactive TV-tv with computer capablities
    • Highdefinition-(HDTV)
  64. 3 types of Internet ads
    • Banner ads
    • Pop up/pop under
    • Interstitials
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Advertising 3