Roman Empire

  1. Caesar Augustus was...
    Actually name Octavian, the first emperor of Rome.
  2. Pontius Pilate was...
    the Roman governor at the time of Christ's crucifixion.
  3. Nero was...
    an emperor who thought of himself as a talented actor;accused of arson.
  4. Caligula was...
    an insane emperor (horse = senator)
  5. Tiberius was...
    the ruling emperor at the time of Christ's crucifixion.
  6. The Coliseum was...
    the vast amiphitheatre where gladiators and animals fought to death.
  7. The Forum was...
    an area of magnificent buildings used for government, trade, and religion.
  8. The Circus Maximus was...
    a grand chariot race stadium seating approximately 250 000 people
  9. In __________ Constantine makes Christianity the official religion of Rome.
    313 AD
  10. In __________ Julius Caesar dies.
    44 BC
  11. In __________ Jerusalem temple is destroyed by Roman legions under Titus.
    70 AD
  12. In __________ Christ is crucified, only to ressurect three days later.
    33 AD
  13. In the baths you'd see or hear what?
    • -undecient people
    • -water
    • -massages
    • -gossip
    • -exercise
  14. Why was the danger of having a house fire so high?
    • -buildings were close to each other
    • -flammable materials
    • -lack of modern water system
    • -open fires
    • -arsonist emperors
  15. List the eating preferences of wealthy Romans.
    • -snails
    • -flamingo tongues
    • -peacock brains
    • -duck tongues
    • -sow's udder
    • -goat loin
    • -mussels
  16. List the eating preferences of poor Romans.
    • -pork
    • -veggies
    • -fruit
    • -bread
    • -grains
    • -olives
    • -grapes
  17. List the eating preferences of both wealthy and poor Romans.
    • -breads
    • -grains
    • -wine
    • -fruit
    • -grapes
    • -chicken
    • -fish
    • -olives
  18. List activities someone could expect on Rome's streets.
    • -soliders
    • -waste disposal
    • -slaves
    • -heavy human traffic
    • -vendors
    • -carts
    • -entertainment
  19. List opportunities for women in Rome.
    • Wore make-up, jewlery
    • -available occupations: priestesses, hairdressers
  20. Identify one critical disadvantage for women in Rome.
    -not citizens = no voting, little / no schooling
  21. List the life of slaves in Rome.
    • -wore metal collars
    • -were branded
    • -beaten, killed for no reason
    • -miners lived only til' 21
    • -dirty jobs
  22. What benefits did the size of the empire afford citizens of Rome?
    • -collection of taxes, throughout empire
    • -many trading partners
    • -access to exotic goods
    • -freedom of travel across the world
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Roman Empire
Economy & Technology, Culture & Society> Pre-Test