ch 32 rad exam III interpretation of dental caries

  1. localized destruction of teeth by microorganisms
    dental caries, tooth decay
  2. normal mineralixed tooth structure
    • enamel
    • dentin
    • cementum
  3. what is destroyed by caries?
    normal mineralixed tooth structure
  4. latin for cariosus means?
    rottenness "rotting of the teeth"
  5. a carous lesion or an area of tooth decay is often refered to as a
  6. in dentistry cavity refers to?
    cavitation, or hole, in a tooth that is the result of the caries process
  7. To detect dental cares what exams are needed?
    Cincal and radiographic
  8. carious lesions appear radio... on a radiograph
    radiolucent (dark or black)
  9. the choice radiograph for caries detection
  10. Caries are classified according to?
    • location:
    • interproximal
    • occlusal
    • buccal
    • lingual
  11. between two adjacent surfaces
  12. caries found between two teeth
    interproximal caries
  13. on a dental radiograph, these caries are seen at or just apical to the contact point.
    interproximal caries
  14. interproximal caries can be classified according to
    the depth of penetration of the lesion through the enamel and dentin
  15. interproximal carious lesions can be classified as (4)
    • incipient
    • moderate
    • advanced
    • severe
  16. extends less than halfway through the thickness of enamel
    incipient interproximal caries
  17. means beginning to exist or appear
    • incipient, class I
    • seen on enamel ONLY
  18. extends more than halfway though the thickness of enamel but does not involve the DEJ
    • Moderate, class II, lesion
    • seen in enamel ONLY
  19. extends to or through the DEJ and into dentin but does not extend through the dentin more than half the distance toward the pulp
    • advanced, class III
    • lesion affects both enamel and dentin
  20. extends through enamel, through dentin, adn mroe than half the distance toward the pulp
    • severe, class IV
    • involves both enamel and dentin and may appear clinically as a cavitation in the tooth
  21. refers to the chewing surfaces fo the teeth
  22. careis that involves the chewing surface of the posteriro teeth is termed
    occlusal caries
  23. Why are occlusal caries difficult to see on a dental radiograph?
    because the superimposition of the dense buccal and lingual enamel cusps
  24. occlusal caries is not seen on the radiograph until there is involvement of the
  25. Occlusal carious lesions can be calssified as (3)
    • Incipient
    • moderate
    • severe
  26. cannot be seen on hte dental radiograph and must be detected clincally with an explorer
    incipient occlusal caries
  27. extends into dentin and appears as a very thin radiolucent line. The radiolucency is located under the enamel of the occlusal surface of the tooth. Little if any radiographic change is noted in the enamel
    moderate occlusal caries
  28. extends into dentin and appears as a large radiolucency. The radiolucency extends under teh enamel of the occlusal surface of the tooth. Apparent clincally and appears as a cavitation in a tooth
    Severe occlusal caries
  29. difficult to detect on a dental radiograph and are best detected clincally
    Buccal and lingual caries
  30. caries that appear as small, circular radiolucent area
    buccal and lingual caries
  31. involves only the roots of teeth
    root surface caries
  32. the cementum and dentin located just below the cerviacl region or the tooth are involved. No involvemnet of enamel occurs. Bone loss and corresponding gingival recession precede the caries process and result in exposed root surfaces.
    Root surface caries
  33. occures adjacent to a preexisting restoration
    recurrent caries
  34. what causes recurrent caries (3)
    • inadequate cavity preparation
    • defective margins
    • incomplete removal of caries before placement of the restorartion
  35. occurs most often beneath the interproximal margins of a restoration on a radiograph
    recurrent caries
  36. growing or spreading unchecked
  37. advanced and severe caries that affects numerous teeth
    rampant caries
  38. typically seen in children with poor dietary habits or in adults with decreased salivary flow
    rampant caries
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ch 32 rad exam III interpretation of dental caries
interpretation of dental caries