exam 2

  1. geometric krater
    • dipylon cemetery, athens
    • 740 bc
    • geometric period
  2. new york kouros
    • metropolitan museum
    • 600 bc
    • beginning of archaic period
  3. kroisos
    • anyysos, greece
    • 530 bc
  4. achilles and ajax playing a dice game
    • exekias
    • italy
    • 540-530 bc
  5. temple of hera i
    • paestum, italy
    • 550 bc
  6. kritios boy
    • acropolis of athens, greece
    • 480 bc
    • early classical period
  7. warriors
    • the sea off riace, italy
    • 460-450 bc
  8. doryphoros (spear bearer)
    • polykleitos
    • roman copy from pompeii, italy (after a bronze original)
    • 450-440 bc
    • high classical period
  9. parthenon
    • iktinos and kallikrates
    • acropolis, athens, greece
    • 447-438 bc
  10. temple of athena nike
    • kallikrates
    • acropolis, athens, greece
    • 420-405 bc
  11. nike adjusting her sandal
    • phidias
    • in temple of athena nike, acropolis, athens, greece
    • 410 bc
  12. aphrodite of knidos
    • praxiteles
    • rome
    • 350-340 bc
  13. apoxyomenos (scraper)
    • lyssipos
    • rome
    • 330 bc
    • late classical period
  14. battle of issus
    • philoxenos of eretria
    • roman copy from pompeii, italy (original greece)
    • 310 bc
  15. altar of zeus
    • pergamon, turkey
    • 175 bc
    • hellenistic period
  16. nike of samothrace
    • samothrace, greece
    • 190 bc
  17. old market woman
    • metropolitian museum
    • 150-100 bc
  18. sarcophagus w/ reclining couple
    • cerverteri, italy
    • 520 bc
  19. apulu (apollo)
    • veii, italy
    • 510-500 bc
  20. capitoline wolf
    • rome, italy
    • 500-480 bc
    • babies added in baroch period
  21. temple of portunus
    • virilis, rome, italy
    • 75 bc
  22. head of an old man
    • osimo, italy
    • mid 1st century
  23. dionysiac mystery frieze
    • pompeii, italy
    • 60-50 bc
    • 2nd style wall painting
  24. ixion room of the house of the vettii
    • pompeii, italy
    • 70-79 bc
    • 4th style wall painting
  25. protrait of augustus as general
    • primporta, italy
    • early 1st century
  26. ara pacis augustae (altar of augustan peace)
    • rome, italy
    • 13-9 bc
  27. maison carree (modeled after forum of augustus)
    • nimes, france
    • 1-10 ce
  28. the colesseum (flavian amphitheater)
    • rome, italy
    • 70-80 ce
  29. arch of titus
    • rome, italy
    • after 81 ce
  30. column of trajan
    • from the forum of trajan, rome, italy
    • 112 ce
  31. pantheon
    • rome, italy
    • 118-125 ce
  32. equestrian statue of marcus aurelius
    • rome, italy
    • 175 ce
  33. arch of constantine
    • rome, italy
    • 312-315 ce
Card Set
exam 2
keyworks and keyterms