pig parts2

  1. Thyroid gland
    A gland that makes and stores hormones that help regulate the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and the rate at which food is converted into energy
  2. lungs
    organ used to breathe
  3. heart
    organ used to pump blood through blood vessels
  4. diaphragm
    muscular sheer sepertating the thoracic and abdominal cavities; used to ventilate the lungs of mammals
  5. liver
    large multilobed organ of the abdonminal cavity located just causal to the diaphragm; secretes bile, filters toxins and nutrients from the blood and stores sugars.
  6. gall bladder
    organ located on the underside of the liver which stores bile and releases it into the duodenum
  7. stomach
    large U shaped digestive reservoir for food. the stomach not only stores food but breaks down food using its own chemicals
  8. mesentery
    connective membrane that suspends body organs in the abdominal cavity and holds them together
  9. pancreas
    granular organ located along the left margin of the duodenum and the caudal margin of the stomach; produces digestive enyzmes and a variety of hormones
  10. pericardial membrane
    thin tissue surrounding and protecting the heart
  11. ventricle, left and right
    large muscular chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart into an artery.
  12. coronary arteries
    one of seven small arteries located on the ventral surface of the heart that supply freshly-oxygenated blood to the tissue of the heart
  13. vena cava (cranial and caudal)
    cranial-major vein returning deoxygenated blood from the upper extemities of the body to the right atrium of the heart.

    caudel- major vein returning deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities of the body to the right atrium of the mammalian heart
  14. auricle
    flap like outer region covering the cranial portion of the atrium
  15. atrium (left and right)
    chamber of the heart that recieves blood
  16. common carotid arteries
    supplies head and neck with oxygenated blood
  17. pulmonary artery and vein
    artery- short blood vessels which in the aduly, carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs

    vein- blood vessels which in the adult, carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
  18. aorta
    large artery arising from the left ventricle that distributes blood to the regions of the body.
  19. ductus arteriosus
    short connection joining the pulmonary trunk with the aorta and allowing a portion of the blood from the pulmonary trunk to enter the aorta instead of flowing to the lungs; found only in the fetus
  20. brachiocephalic vein and trunk
    major branch of the aorta that spplies blood to the head and upper trunk region of the body
  21. jugular veins (internal and external)
    brings deoxygenated blood from the head to the heart
  22. renal arteries and veins
    artery-supply kidneys with blood

    veins-drain kidneys
  23. scrotal sacs
    pouch extend from the caudal region of the male which contains the testes. Their presence allows the temperature of the testes to be maintained at a slighter lower temperature than that of the abdominal cavity.
  24. umbilical cord
    attatchment between the maternal placenta and the fetus though which gases, nutrients and nitrogenous wastes are transported during embryonic development.
  25. urogenital opening
    opening of the urethra or the urogenital sinus through which urine passes as it is elimiated from the body
  26. soft palate
    cartilaginous region of the roof of the mouth that seperates the oral cavity from the nasal passageway located toward the back of the mouth
  27. tongue papillae
  28. epiglottis
    cartiligious flap that covers the glottis to prevent food from entering the larynx and trachea when swallowing.
  29. glottis
    opening in the oral cavity that leads from the nasopharynx to the larynx and tracea. sound
  30. esophagus
    connects mouth to stomach
  31. pancreatic duct
    canal though which digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas are transported to the duodenum.
  32. common bile duct
    tuble thorugh which bile is transported from the liver to the gallbladder and from the gallbladder to the duodenum.
  33. spleen
    ductless vascualr organ in the abdominal cavity that is a component of the circulatory system; stores blood, recycles worn out red blood cells and produces lymphocytes
  34. duodenum
    first portion of the small intestine; functions primarily in final stages of chemical digestion and begins the process of nutrient absorption
  35. lleum
    absorb products of digestion not absorbed in the jejunum
  36. jejunum
    middle portion of the small intestine extending from the duodenum to the ileum; primaryly responsible for nutrient absorbtion.
  37. cecum
    serves as a sac where fermintation of cellulose occurs.
  38. colon
    portion of large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum that functuons primarily in reabsorbing water that has been added during the digestive process.
  39. rectum
    distal end of the intestinal tract; primary function is to reabsorb water and produce dry, concentrated feces
  40. subscapular vein
    accompany the subscapular artery to drain into the auxilary veins
  41. subclavian vein and artery
    artery- recieve blood from top of aorta
  42. auxiliary veins
    conveys blood to the heart
  43. hepatic portal vein
    large vessel that caries nutrient-rich and toxin-laden blood from the small intestines and pancreas to the liver for detoxification and regulation of nutrient release before the blood passes to the rest of the body
  44. mesenteric arteries and veins
    artery- supplies intestine

    vein- drains blood from intestine
  45. cephalic vein
    drains blood to auxiliary veins
  46. external iliac veins and arteries
    artery- carries blood to lower limb

  47. femoral artery and vein
    returns oxygentated blood to heart
  48. umbilical arteries and vein
    arteries- paired vessels that carry blood from the fetus to the placenta

    vein-single vessel that carries oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the fetus from the fetal side of the placenta.
  49. thyrocervical trunk
    divides into inferior thyroid
Card Set
pig parts2
pig parts2