herding or domesticating aquatic animals and farming aquatic plants
new techniques for modifying biological organisms and their physiological processes for applied purposes
the production of identical organisms by asexual reproduction from a single cell of a preexisting organism
raising food to sell
commercial agriculture
a condition that exists when each successive application yields a smaller increase in production than the application preceeding
diminishing returns
harvasting 2 crops from each field per year
double cropping
economic activities that are 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th steps in the transformation of a raw material into goods for ultimate consumers
downstream activities
a mexican form of land tenure in which a peasant community collectively owns a piece of land
a 200 mile zone within which a coastal state controls both mining and fishing rights from its shores
exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
a concentration of aquatic species suitable for commercial haravsting
the joining of the genes of 2 organisms to produce recombinant genetic material
gene splicing (recombinant DNA)
the manipulation of species' genetic material through selective breeding or recombinant DNA
genetic engineering
an intensive effort to develop new grain varieties and associated agronomic systems and to establish them in developing countries
green revolution
a theoretical perfectly flat surface with no variations across it
isotropic plain
the specialized production of one crop
the raising of a variety of crops
to give or sell government assets to private individuals or investors
an increase in the cost of an item due not to an increase in it's actual functionality or usefulness, but in its design, packaging, or status advertising
psychological value-added
the indonesian term for a flooded rice field
the continuing application of science to agriculture
scientific revolution in agriculture
raising food only for one's self, not to sell
substinence agriculture
slash-and-burn clearing and cultivation
the difference between value of a raw material and the value of a product manufactured from that raw material