IZ Exam 3

  1. What are the defining characteristics of the super phylum gnathifera?
    All members possess pharyngeal jaws with similar and complex ultrastructure
  2. What is eutely?
    A phenomenon where growth is achieved by increasing cell size rather than increasing in the number of cells
  3. What are the defining characteristics of the phylum rotifera?
    • 1. Pharynx is highly muscluar and contains jaws for grasping, crushing, or grinding prey, or attaching to a host
    • 2. Have toes with adhesive glands
  4. What are the advantages of having a pseudocoelem?
    • Allows for Distribution of nutrients
    • Removal of Waste
    • Space for storing gametes during maturation
  5. What does a hydrostatic skeleton allow for?
    Locomotion and moving food through the digestive tract
  6. What does the gnathifera body wall consist of?
    • Syncytial epidermis muscles around the pseudocoel
    • Digestive tract, excretory organs, and gonads in pseudocel
  7. Where do most rotifers live?
  8. What animals are most parasitic forms of rotifers found?
    Arthropods and Annelids
  9. What is the corona?
    Ciliated anterior lobes present in many species of rotifers
  10. Interstitially means _______?
    Living between grains of sand
  11. How long do most species of rotifers live?
    1-2 weeks
  12. How big can rotifers get?
    100 - 500 micrometers
Card Set
IZ Exam 3
Invertebrate Zoology Chapters 10, 11, 12