Western Civ chapter 10

  1. Innovations of High Middle Ages
    • heavy plow
    • collar harness-better for horses
    • horse shoe
    • windmill
  2. Respublica Christiana
    Christian Commonweath
  3. Alfred the Great
    • King of Wessex
    • learned to read at 40
  4. William the Conqueror
    • duke of Normandy
    • kept one sixth of conquered England, gave rest to nobles
    • Domesday Book
  5. shires
  6. Henry 2
    proponent of trial by jury
  7. Exchequer
    royal accountant
  8. Magna Carta
    • Great Charter
    • originally for barons rights
  9. Hugh Capet
    • count of Paris
    • became king in 987
  10. Louis 6
    subdued barons
  11. Philip Augustus
    successfully attacked King John
  12. Louis 9
    • nice guy
    • bypassed vassals
  13. Philip 4
    struggle with papacy
  14. Otto the Great
    • King of Germany
    • determined to control dukes
    • First "Emperor of Rome"-"Holy Roman Emperor"
  15. Pope Nicholas 2
    moved to keep Roman nobles and German HRE's from choosing pope
  16. Hildebrand
    • later Pope Gregory 7
    • exponent of reform movement
  17. Urban 2
    wanted Pope to be supreme
  18. Peter the Hermit
    • major evangelist
    • led crusade
  19. Frederick 1
    • Red Beard-Barbarossa
    • tried to assert authority over cities
  20. Saladin
    • brilliant commander
    • most powerful leader in Muslim Near East
    • invaded Palestine and kicked butt
  21. Pope Innocent 3
    called for crusade 4
  22. William the Pig and Hugo the Iron
    sold young crusaders
  23. Gregory 9
    used Franciscans and Dominicans as investigators to find heratics
  24. Peter Waldo
    gave up all his stuff and got other people to do the same
  25. Simon de Montfort
    • ambitious minor baron
    • given control of crusading army
  26. Saint Francis
    Born rich, gave stuff away
  27. Dominic
    • Saint
    • encouraged followers to study
  28. Moses ben Maimon (Maimon)
    foremost Jewish scholar of Middle Ages
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Western Civ chapter 10
High Middle Ages