Wildlife conservation and management activities
Game and non-game management
Management consists of manipulating organisms, habitats, and human user groups
Niche characteristics - why would they be important to a manager, and what would we do about them?
- Food quantity and quality
- Water requirements
- Cover requirements
Reproductive habitat requirements
Population dynamics
- Natality, inversity
- Age at first reproduction
- Maximum age
- Parental care and growth
- Mortality sources and rates
Wildlife responses to stress
Management objectives; both game and non-game
Management alternatives depend on objectives
Management plan based on succession, niche, population dynamics, human impacts, …
Managing succession for different species groups
Climax community species
Mid-successional species
Early-successional species
Cover management - why is it important?
Edge, inherent and induced, why is it good, and why is it bad?
Habitat management practices for various species, elk, bald eagle, Kirtland’s warbler, …
Artificial nesting habitat
Watering holes and guzzlers
Hunting - compensatory and additive mortality
Control of population sizes and sex ratios
Funding for wildlife management - Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson)
How can hunting affect the genetic composition of a population?
North American Waterfowl Management Plan
Joint Ventures
Conservation strategies and activities
Waterfowl refuges and WPA
Funding for management - 1934 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act
Waterfowl management activities/issues:
Habitat management - nesting habitat
Lead shot
Adaptive Harvest Management
Threatened and Endangered Species
Endangered Species Act of 1973
Imperiled species management activities:
Refuges, preserves
Refuge design - fragmentation, territory, home range considerations
Biosphere reserves
Gene banks and botanical gardens
Captive breeding
Egg pulling
The California condor - a species destined for extinction, but maybe not…
Genetic concerns
Effective population size
Genetic diversity and genetic drift