amount of births per every 1,000 persons
amount of deaths per every 1,000 persons
fertility rate
amount of women in a population that find themselves in the reproductive stage of their lives: 13 – 35 years old.
infant mortality rate
number of deaths among infants under the age of one per every 1,000 live births
life expectancy rate
average amount of years a person is expected to live
population density
amount of people per square mile
rate of natural increase
number that indicates how fast the population is growing
- birthrates
- - deathrates
- ___________
push - pull factors
reasons why people leave their country for another.
nuclear family
family made up of mother, father, and two children.
extended family
family where you have the parents, children, grandparents, and other family members living under the same roof.
population pyramid
diagram that shows the distribution of population in a country in terms of age and gender
zero population growth
- when birthrates are equal to death rates
- first and fourth stage of population growth
population explosion or population boom
- when there are high birthrates and decreasing death rates
- second stage of population growth
factors that contribute to high population growth
- social and economic status- poverty
- lack of adequate education- ignorance
- cultural and religious beliefs- traditions
- availability of birth control methods
- non-planned teenage pregnancies
- high population rate of women in their reproductive stage.
elements that produce changes in population growth
- birthrates
- death rates
- migration – push - pull factors
- war
- crime
- epidemics and illnesses
- natural disasters – severe storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc.