slides 11-12

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Audience Hall of Darius and Xerxes, Persepolis,
    • ca. 500 BC
  2. Image Upload 4
    • Xerxes’ Hall of Hundred Columns, Persepolis,
    • ca. 500 BC
  3. Image Upload 6
    • Necropolis of Banditaccia,
    • Cerveteri, Italy,
    • seventh to sixth centuries BC
  4. Image Upload 8
    • Tomb of the Shields and Chairs,
    • second half of sixth century BC
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    Tomb of Reliefs, third century BC
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    Tomb of the Capitals
  7. Image Upload 14
    Sarcophagus with reclining couple, from Cerveteri, Italy, painted terra cotta, ca. 520 BC
  8. Image Upload 16
    Model and plan of an Etruscan temple of the sixth century BC, as described by Vitruvius
  9. Image Upload 18
    Porta Augusta (Gate of Augustus), Perugia, Italy, ca. 300 BC
  10. a curved structural member that spans an opening and is generally composed of wedge-shaped blocks (voussoirs) that transmit the downward pressure laterally.
  11. adj., having arches; a system of architecture dependant upon arches.
  12. in arch construction, the temporary wooden framework used to hold construction material in place until a vault or arch is self-sustaining.
  13. the central voussoir at the top of a completed arch
  14. a soft porous rock.
  15. burial mound; in Etruscan architecture, tumuli cover one of more subterranean multi-chambered tombs cut out of local tufa.
  16. the standard Etruscan order.
    resembles a Greek Doric column, but is made of wood, is unfluted, and has a base.
    Tuscan Order
  17. a wedge-shaped stone used in the construction of an arch or vault.
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    Pont du Gard, Nîmes, France, first century AD
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    Diagrams of an arch, barrel vault, groin vault, and dome
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    Maison Carrée, Nîmes, France, 16 BC
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    Roman Orders: Tuscan, Roman Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Composite
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    opus incertum, opus reticulatum, opus testaceum
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    City of Timgad, Algeria, 100-117 AD
  25. Image Upload 34
    • Temple of Isis, ca. 80 BC
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  26. Image Upload 36
    • Plan
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  27. Image Upload 38
    • Forum, second century BC and later
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  28. Image Upload 40
    • Basilica, ca. 120 BC
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  29. Image Upload 42
    • Stabian and Forum Thermae (Baths), ca. 120-80 BC
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  30. Image Upload 44
    • Brothel
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  31. Image Upload 46
    • Amphitheater, ca. 80 BC
    • Pompeii, Italy, founded sixth century BC; destroyed 79 AD
  32. an elliptical or circular space surrounded by rising tiers of seats, as used by the Romans for gladiatorial contests; e.g., the Colosseum in Rome.
  33. a vaulted semicircular or polygonal termination.
  34. an artificial channel for carrying water, usually an elevated masonry or brick structure supported on arches; invented by the Romans.
  35. the simplest form of vault, consisting of a continuous vault of semicircular or pointed sections, unbroken in its length by cross vaults.; also known as a tunnel vault.
    barrel vault
  36. in Roman architecture, a large meeting-hall used in public administration. Often Roman basilicas were oblong in form with aisles and galleries and an apse opposite the entrance (which may be on the long end or the short end).
  37. a projecting mass of masonry serving to provide additional strength for the wall as it resists the lateral thrust exerted by an arch or vault.
  38. Roman military camp, built on a common rectangular layout throughout the Empire. surrounded by a rampart and a wall with towers, and crossed by two main streets, running between four gates. The headquarters (praetorium) lay at their intersection
  39. artificial stone made by a mixture of specific proportions of cement, water, and aggregate, such as crushed stone and sand.
  40. a vault of even curvature erected on a circular base
  41. in Roman architecture, a central open space, usually surrounded by public buildings and colonnades; corresponds to the Greek agora.
  42. a vault produced by by the intersection at right angles of two barrel vaults of identical shape.
    groin vault
  43. the underground chamber or duct of the Roman system of central heating, the floor being heated by the hot air circulating below.
  44. in Roman architecture, public baths usually of great size and splendour, consisting of bathing rooms of varied heating intensity and facilities for exercise and relaxation.
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slides 11-12
arch history