GI Tract.txt

  1. What are the four basic layers of cells in the GI tract?
    • 1) mucosa
    • 2) submucosa
    • 3) muscularis externa
    • 4) serosa or adventitia
  2. What are the three mucosa layers?
    • 1) epithelium
    • 2) Lamina Propria: LCT, BV, LV, II Capillaries
    • 3) Muscularis mucosa: smooth muscle
  3. What is the enteric nervous system called in the submucosa?
    Submucosa (Meissner's) plexus
  4. What is the enteric nervous system called in the muscularis externa?
    Myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus
  5. What are the two layers of the muscularis externa?
    • 1) outer circular layer
    • 2) inner longitudinal layer
  6. What organs have a serosa and what organs have an adventitia?
    • Serosa = intraperitoneal
    • Adventitia = retroperitoneal
  7. What two places in the GI tract contain submucosal glands?
    Espohagus & Duodenum
  8. In what layer are the esophageal glands proper located?
  9. What are the three muscle types that make up the ME in the esophagus?
    • upper 1/3 = skeletal
    • middle 1/3 = skeletal + smooth
    • lower 1/3 = smooth
  10. How many layers of Smooth Muscle are in the ME of the stomach?
    • THREE
    • Oblique
    • Circular
    • Longitudinal
  11. How to characterize the pits and glands throughout the stomach: Cardiac, Fundus, Pyloric
    • Cardiac: Pits = medium (~1/2 MM)/ Glands = coiled
    • Fundus: Pits = short (~1/3 MM) / Glands = longest
    • Pyloric: Pits = long (1/2 - 2/3 MM)/ Glands = branched
  12. What type of system makes up an active parietal cell?
    Tubulovesicular system (a lot of microvilli, open intracellular canaliculi)
  13. From the outer epithelium to the inside, name the cells lining the stomach pit and gland:
    • 1) epithelium: surface mucous cells
    • 2) Neck: mucous neck cells, regenerating stem cells
    • 3) body: parietal, DNES, Chief
  14. What two chemicals are released by parietal cells?
    • 1) HCL
    • 2) Intrinsic factor Vitamin B-12
  15. What do chief cells release?
    • Pepsinogen
    • Renin
    • gastric lipase
  16. What do DNES cells secrete and where to?
    • CCK, Secretin
    • Secrete basally either paracrine or endocrine (may be neurotransmitter as well)
  17. 3 Epithelial cells common to villi and glands
    • 1) surface absorptive cells - enterocytes
    • 2) Goblet cells
    • 2) DNES
  18. Epithelial cells common to intestinal glands:
    • 1) Paneth Cells: secrete to lumen, red staining, regulated secretion
    • 2) Regenerative stem cells
  19. What are the four cells present in the intestinal glands of the colon?
    • 1) Surface absorptive
    • 2) Goblet
    • 3) DNES
    • 4) Regenerative stem cells
  20. Since there are no lacteals in the colon, where does the lymph drain?
    Submucosa into LV
  21. What is the name for the three unique outer longitudinal layers of the colon?
    Teniae coli
Card Set
GI Tract.txt
H/E 35,36,37 GI Tract Histology