GI System development.txt

  1. What are the two foregut mesenteries?
    • 1) Dorsal mesentery
    • 2) Ventral mesentery
  2. What is the derivation of the ventral mesentery?
    Lateral plate mesoderm - visceral mesoderm
  3. What mesentery is part of the foregut only?
    Ventral mesentery
  4. What is the arterial supply, parasym. and sym. supply of the foregut?
    • Arterial = Celiac Trunk
    • Parasym. = Vagus Nerve
    • Sym = Abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve
  5. When does the stomach begin to form from the foregut?
    week 4 (28 days)
  6. What two omenta are formed from stomach rotation?
    • 1) lesser omentum
    • 2) greater omentum
  7. When does stomach rotation end?
    56 days
  8. When does the lumen of the duodenum solidify?
    6 wks (2 months)
  9. When does the lumen of the duodenum open through apoptosis?
    wk. 9
  10. What part of the liver do the vitelline veins form?
  11. What 2 parts of the liver does the endoderm of the gut tube form?
    Hepatocytes & biliary ducts
  12. What 3 parts of the liver does the septum transversum form?
    • 1) Hematopoietic cells
    • 2) Connective tissue
    • 3) Kupffer cells (macrophages)
  13. What forms into the gallbladder and its associated ducts?
    hepatic diverticulum
  14. At what day are two pancreatic buds visible on the hepatic diverticulum?
  15. When do the pancreatic buds fuse?
    Wk. 6
  16. What is the term for the anomaly of two ventral pancreatic buds wrapping around the diverticulum?
    Annular pancreas
  17. What is the arterial supply, parasym. and sym. supply of the midgut?
    • Arterial = SMA
    • Parasym = Vagus Nerve
    • Sym = Abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve
  18. When is the intestinal loop herniated?
    wk. 6
  19. When does the intestinal loop begin to retract and when does it finish retracting?
    • begin = wk. 10
    • finish = wk. 12
  20. What is the arterial supply, parasym. and sym. supply to the hindgut?
    • Arterial = IMA
    • Parasym = Pelvic splanchnic Nerve
    • Sym = abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve
  21. When does the urorectal septum form and what is its function?
    • Forms = wk. 7
    • Function = separate rectum from urogenital sinus
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GI System development.txt
H/E Lesson 34 GI System Development