What are the 6 nutrients needed by the body?
Carbohydrates, protiens, water, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
How does the pancreous aid in digestion
It produces enzymes that break down starches, proteins, and fats in the small intestine.
What are the two digestive functions of the small intestine.
- Chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients;
- As liquid moves into the small intestine, it mixes enzymes and secretions.
What are the functions of the liver?
Produces bile, a substance that breaks up fat particals, breaks down medicines and other substances, and helps elimates nitrogen from the body.
What does the gallbladder do?
Stores bile that is produced in the liver and sends it to the small intestine to break down fat.
What does an enzyme do?
It chemically digests food.
Where is bile stored?
Where is bile produced?
- In the gallbladder.
- In the liver.
What is the function of the villi.
It absorbs nutrients from digested food, covers the intestine, blood vessels take the nutrients throughout the body.
Large intestine
- Large intestine contains bacteria that feed on the materia passing through.
- These bacteria normally do not cause disease.
- They are helpful because they make certain vitamins including vitamin K.
- Last section of the digestion process.
- Absorbs water
Does fiber get digested?
No, instead fiber thickens the liquid in the intestines.