Psychology 270 exam 2

  1. Anxiety Disorders
  2. Anxiety
    alarm reaction to vague, future threat
  3. In general...
    • frequent co-morbidity
    • few ethnic differences
    • females > males for most
    • only 1/5 seek Tx
  4. Disorders
    • Panic
    • Phobias
    • GAD
    • OCD
    • PTSD
  5. Panic Attacks d/o & Dx criteria
    • More than 1 attack
    • Fear of another attack
    • 2 times more likely for females than males
    • High Co-morbidity
  6. Biological Model
    • 2x MZ > DZ
    • Oversesitive chemoreceptors
    • low levels of GABA
  7. Cognitive/Learning Models
    • Misperception and overprediction of threat due to anxiety sensitivity
    • Classical conditioning process of anxiety + interoceptive cues
  8. Phobias
  9. Dx criteria
    • Persistent and irrational fear > 6 mos.
    • Avoidance
    • Impairment/distress
  10. Types
    • Specific phobias... zoophobia
    • Social phobia
  11. Biological Model
    Risk of getting a phobia is higher for kinship
  12. Learning Model
    • Acquired via classical conditioning
    • Maintained via operant conditioning (avoidance)
  13. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Card Set
Psychology 270 exam 2
Abnormal Psychology